
Title: Security and Privacy Challenges of Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Real Sparks of Artificial Intelligence and the Importance of Inner Interpretability

Title: Exploring Spatial Schema Intuitions in Large Language and Vision Models

Title: SPARQL Generation with Entity Pre-trained GPT for KG Question Answering

Title: Closure Discovery for Coarse-Grained Partial Differential Equations using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Title: Recurrent Transformers with Dynamic Halt

Title: Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training for Multivariate Point Processes

Title: HR-MultiWOZ: A Task Oriented Dialogue (TOD) Dataset for HR LLM Agent

Title: Graph-based Clustering for Detecting Semantic Change Across Time and Languages

Title: Executable Code Actions Elicit Better LLM Agents

Title: Repeat After Me: Transformers are Better than State Space Models at Copying

Title: Getting the most out of your tokenizer for pre-training and domain adaptation

Title: Generation, Distillation and Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing-Style Reflections with a Foundational Language Model

Title: Plan-Grounded Large Language Models for Dual Goal Conversational Settings

Title: Expert Proximity as Surrogate Rewards for Single Demonstration Imitation Learning

Title: Evaluation Methodology for Large Language Models for Multilingual Document Question and Answer

Title: FedShift: Tackling Dual Heterogeneity Problem of Federated Learning via Weight Shift Aggregation

Title: Chameleon: Foundation Models for Fairness-aware Multi-modal Data Augmentation to Enhance Coverage of Minorities

Title: Reading Between the Tweets: Deciphering Ideological Stances of Interconnected Mixed-Ideology Communities

Title: Specialized Language Models with Cheap Inference from Limited Domain Data

Title: Let's Negotiate! A Survey of Negotiation Dialogue Systems

Title: Bayesian Deep Learning for Remaining Useful Life Estimation via Stein Variational Gradient Descent

Title: A Survey for Foundation Models in Autonomous Driving

Title: Reasoning Capacity in Multi-Agent Systems: Limitations, Challenges and Human-Centered Solutions

Title: Vaccine: Perturbation-aware Alignment for Large Language Model

Title: Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning with Self-Play under Adaptivity Constraints

Title: Interpretation of Intracardiac Electrograms Through Textual Representations

Title: DTS-SQL: Decomposed Text-to-SQL with Small Large Language Models

Title: PokéLLMon: A Human-Parity Agent for Pokémon Battles with Large Language Models

Title: Root Cause Analysis In Microservice Using Neural Granger Causal Discovery

Title: Learning Network Representations with Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder

Title: Limited Memory Online Gradient Descent for Kernelized Pairwise Learning with Dynamic Averaging

Title: Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Routing Jobs in Heterogeneous Queueing Systems

Title: AccentFold: A Journey through African Accents for Zero-Shot ASR Adaptation to Target Accents

Title: CABINET: Content Relevance based Noise Reduction for Table Question Answering

Title: LLM-Detector: Improving AI-Generated Chinese Text Detection with Open-Source LLM Instruction Tuning

Title: Efficient Prompt Caching via Embedding Similarity

Title: Towards a Unified Language Model for Knowledge-Intensive Tasks Utilizing External Corpus

Title: In-Context Learning for Few-Shot Nested Named Entity Recognition

Title: Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning with Prior Knowledge

Title: Structured World Modeling via Semantic Vector Quantization

Title: A Survey on Self-Supervised Learning for Non-Sequential Tabular Data

Title: Comparative Evaluation of Weather Forecasting using Machine Learning Models

Title: Efficient Causal Graph Discovery Using Large Language Models

Title: HW-SW Optimization of DNNs for Privacy-preserving People Counting on Low-resolution Infrared Arrays

Title: Flexible Variational Information Bottleneck: Achieving Diverse Compression with a Single Training

Title: TEDDY: Trimming Edges with Degree-based Discrimination strategY

Title: The Human and the Mechanical: logos, truthfulness, and ChatGPT

Title: Federated Unlearning: a Perspective of Stability and Fairness

Title: Can MLLMs Perform Text-to-Image In-Context Learning?

Title: Bi-CryptoNets: Leveraging Different-Level Privacy for Encrypted Inference

Title: KTO: Model Alignment as Prospect Theoretic Optimization

Title: Fundamental Properties of Causal Entropy and Information Gain

Title: Training-time Neuron Alignment through Permutation Subspace for Improving Linear Mode Connectivity and Model Fusion

Title: Shapelet-based Model-agnostic Counterfactual Local Explanations for Time Series Classification

Title: CORE: Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning through Cognitive Replay

Title: Beyond the Answers: Reviewing the Rationality of Multiple Choice Question Answering for the Evaluation of Large Language Models

Title: FedMoE: Data-Level Personalization with Mixture of Experts for Model-Heterogeneous Personalized Federated Learning

Title: Describing Images $\textit{Fast and Slow}$: Quantifying and Predicting the Variation in Human Signals during Visuo-Linguistic Processes

Title: What Makes Medical Claims (Un)Verifiable? Analyzing Entity and Relation Properties for Fact Verification

Title: To the Max: Reinventing Reward in Reinforcement Learning

Title: Continual Learning for Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Cheating Suffix: Targeted Attack to Text-To-Image Diffusion Models with Multi-Modal Priors

Title: Critic-Actor for Average Reward MDPs with Function Approximation: A Finite-Time Analysis

Title: Dive into the Chasm: Probing the Gap between In- and Cross-Topic Generalization

Title: LoTR: Low Tensor Rank Weight Adaptation

Title: Regularized boosting with an increasing coefficient magnitude stop criterion as meta-learner in hyperparameter optimization stacking ensemble

Title: LLM-based NLG Evaluation: Current Status and Challenges

Title: A Probabilistic Model to explain Self-Supervised Representation Learning

Title: Climbing the Ladder of Interpretability with Counterfactual Concept Bottleneck Models

Title: SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover

Title: Sequence Shortening for Context-Aware Machine Translation

Title: The effect of diversity on group decision-making

Title: From Words to Molecules: A Survey of Large Language Models in Chemistry

Title: Few-Shot Learning on Graphs: from Meta-learning to Pre-training and Prompting

Title: The Queen of England is not England's Queen: On the Lack of Factual Coherency in PLMs

Title: Integrating Large Language Models in Causal Discovery: A Statistical Causal Approach

Title: AMOR: A Recipe for Building Adaptable Modular Knowledge Agents Through Process Feedback

Title: Multi-level protein pre-training with Vabs-Net

Title: A Comparative Analysis of Conversational Large Language Models in Knowledge-Based Text Generation

Title: Code-Switched Language Identification is Harder Than You Think

Title: A Hybrid Strategy for Chat Transcript Summarization

Title: Mapping the Multiverse of Latent Representations

Title: K-Level Reasoning with Large Language Models

Title: Decoding Speculative Decoding

Title: An Empirical Analysis of Diversity in Argument Summarization

Title: Adaptive Optimization for Prediction with Missing Data

Title: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Learning for Residential Short-Term Load Forecasting

Title: Automating Sound Change Prediction for Phylogenetic Inference: A Tukanoan Case Study

Title: TrustAgent: Towards Safe and Trustworthy LLM-based Agents through Agent Constitution

Title: Towards Sustainable Workplace Mental Health: A Novel Approach to Early Intervention and Support

Title: Foundation Model Sherpas: Guiding Foundation Models through Knowledge and Reasoning

Title: Contingency Analysis of a Grid of Connected EVs for Primary Frequency Control of an Industrial Microgrid Using Efficient Control Scheme

Title: Nomic Embed: Training a Reproducible Long Context Text Embedder

Title: L2G2G: a Scalable Local-to-Global Network Embedding with Graph Autoencoders

Title: Style Vectors for Steering Generative Large Language Model

Title: KB-Plugin: A Plug-and-play Framework for Large Language Models to Induce Programs over Low-resourced Knowledge Bases

Title: MAGDi: Structured Distillation of Multi-Agent Interaction Graphs Improves Reasoning in Smaller Language Models

Title: Stochastic Two Points Method for Deep Model Zeroth-order Optimization

Title: TravelPlanner: A Benchmark for Real-World Planning with Language Agents