
Title: Interplay of Semantic Communication and Knowledge Learning

Title: BetterV: Controlled Verilog Generation with Discriminative Guidance

Title: Delivery Optimized Discovery in Behavioral User Segmentation under Budget Constrain

Title: Psychological Assessments with Large Language Models: A Privacy-Focused and Cost-Effective Approach

Title: Decentralized Sporadic Federated Learning: A Unified Methodology with Generalized Convergence Guarantees

Title: Efficient and Interpretable Traffic Destination Prediction using Explainable Boosting Machines

Title: Preference-free Alignment Learning with Regularized Relevance Reward

Title: The Information of Large Language Model Geometry

Title: Arabic Synonym BERT-based Adversarial Examples for Text Classification

Title: ICED: Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning via In-Context Environment Design

Title: SWAG: Storytelling With Action Guidance

Title: Beyond Text: Improving LLM's Decision Making for Robot Navigation via Vocal Cues

Title: Partially Stochastic Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks

Title: How Does Unlabeled Data Provably Help Out-of-Distribution Detection?

Title: Neural networks for abstraction and reasoning: Towards broad generalization in machines

Title: Evaluating the Factuality of Zero-shot Summarizers Across Varied Domains

Title: Resolving Transcription Ambiguity in Spanish: A Hybrid Acoustic-Lexical System for Punctuation Restoration

Title: Fairness and Privacy Guarantees in Federated Contextual Bandits

Title: Regulation Games for Trustworthy Machine Learning

Title: HAMLET: Graph Transformer Neural Operator for Partial Differential Equations

Title: Online Feature Updates Improve Online (Generalized) Label Shift Adaptation

Title: Path Signatures and Graph Neural Networks for Slow Earthquake Analysis: Better Together?

Title: Distinguishing the Knowable from the Unknowable with Language Models

Title: Toward Human-AI Alignment in Large-Scale Multi-Player Games

Title: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Rebalancing in Bike-Sharing System

Title: Assessing the Impact of Distribution Shift on Reinforcement Learning Performance

Title: Identifying Reasons for Contraceptive Switching from Real-World Data Using Large Language Models

Title: Improving Contextual Congruence Across Modalities for Effective Multimodal Marketing using Knowledge-infused Learning

Title: RAP: Retrieval-Augmented Planning with Contextual Memory for Multimodal LLM Agents

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Hybrid Workplace Decision Support

Title: Comparing Abstraction in Humans and Large Language Models Using Multimodal Serial Reproduction

Title: Self-Discover: Large Language Models Self-Compose Reasoning Structures

Title: Partially Recentralization Softmax Loss for Vision-Language Models Robustness

Title: Professional Agents -- Evolving Large Language Models into Autonomous Experts with Human-Level Competencies

Title: torchmSAT: A GPU-Accelerated Approximation To The Maximum Satisfiability Problem

Title: Lens: A Foundation Model for Network Traffic

Title: CAMBranch: Contrastive Learning with Augmented MILPs for Branching

Title: Sentiment-enhanced Graph-based Sarcasm Explanation in Dialogue

Title: Learning to Generate Explainable Stock Predictions using Self-Reflective Large Language Models

Title: Transductive Reward Inference on Graph

Title: Large Language Models as an Indirect Reasoner: Contrapositive and Contradiction for Automated Reasoning

Title: Logical Specifications-guided Dynamic Task Sampling for Reinforcement Learning Agents

Title: Minds versus Machines: Rethinking Entailment Verification with Language Models

Title: Pard: Permutation-Invariant Autoregressive Diffusion for Graph Generation

Title: Improving and Unifying Discrete&Continuous-time Discrete Denoising Diffusion

Title: Clarify: Improving Model Robustness With Natural Language Corrections

Title: Empowering Language Models with Active Inquiry for Deeper Understanding

Title: Similarity-based Neighbor Selection for Graph LLMs

Title: Learning Granger Causality from Instance-wise Self-attentive Hawkes Processes

Title: Consistent Joint Decision-Making with Heterogeneous Learning Models

Title: SUB-PLAY: Adversarial Policies against Partially Observed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

Title: INSIDE: LLMs' Internal States Retain the Power of Hallucination Detection

Title: Enhanced sampling of robust molecular datasets with uncertainty-based collective variables

Title: QuantAgent: Seeking Holy Grail in Trading by Self-Improving Large Language Model

Title: Fed-CVLC: Compressing Federated Learning Communications with Variable-Length Codes

Title: Reinforcement Learning from Bagged Reward: A Transformer-based Approach for Instance-Level Reward Redistribution

Title: Large Language Models As MOOCs Graders

Title: Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Lingual Transfer: When Less is More

Title: AirPhyNet: Harnessing Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Air Quality Prediction

Title: ReLU$^2$ Wins: Discovering Efficient Activation Functions for Sparse LLMs

Title: SEABO: A Simple Search-Based Method for Offline Imitation Learning

Title: Masked Graph Autoencoder with Non-discrete Bandwidths

Title: RevOrder: A Novel Method for Enhanced Arithmetic in Language Models

Title: A call for embodied AI

Title: Estimating Barycenters of Distributions with Neural Optimal Transport

Title: Rethinking Skill Extraction in the Job Market Domain using Large Language Models

Title: ANLS* -- A Universal Document Processing Metric for Generative Large Language Models

Title: Position Paper: Toward New Frameworks for Studying Model Representations

Title: The Challenges of the Nonlinear Regime for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Title: Less than one percent of words would be affected by gender-inclusive language in German press texts

Title: Beyond Lines and Circles: Unveiling the Geometric Reasoning Gap in Large Language Models

Title: MOMENT: A Family of Open Time-series Foundation Models

Title: DistiLLM: Towards Streamlined Distillation for Large Language Models

Title: Compound Returns Reduce Variance in Reinforcement Learning

Title: Learning Metrics that Maximise Power for Accelerated A/B-Tests

Title: Large Language Models to Enhance Bayesian Optimization

Title: Return-Aligned Decision Transformer

Title: Leak, Cheat, Repeat: Data Contamination and Evaluation Malpractices in Closed-Source LLMs

Title: Discovery of the Hidden World with Large Language Models

Title: Sparse Graph Representations for Procedural Instructional Documents

Title: Position Paper: Against Spurious Sparks-Dovelating Inflated AI Claims

Title: In-context learning agents are asymmetric belief updaters

Title: Cross Entropy versus Label Smoothing: A Neural Collapse Perspective

Title: Gradient Sketches for Training Data Attribution and Studying the Loss Landscape

Title: Understanding the Effect of Noise in LLM Training Data with Algorithmic Chains of Thought

Title: Positive concave deep equilibrium models

Title: Systematic Biases in LLM Simulations of Debates

Title: Connecting the Dots: Collaborative Fine-tuning for Black-Box Vision-Language Models

Title: Deep Learning for Multivariate Time Series Imputation: A Survey

Title: Retrieve to Explain: Evidence-driven Predictions with Language Models

Title: Iterative Prompt Refinement for Radiation Oncology Symptom Extraction Using Teacher-Student Large Language Models

Title: Entropy-regularized Diffusion Policy with Q-Ensembles for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: Provably learning a multi-head attention layer

Title: The Use of a Large Language Model for Cyberbullying Detection

Title: An Exploration of Clustering Algorithms for Customer Segmentation in the UK Retail Market

Title: Hierarchical Delay Attribution Classification using Unstructured Text in Train Management Systems

Title: Behind the Screen: Investigating ChatGPT's Dark Personality Traits and Conspiracy Beliefs

Title: Scientific Language Modeling: A Quantitative Review of Large Language Models in Molecular Science

Title: OVOR: OnePrompt with Virtual Outlier Regularization for Rehearsal-Free Class-Incremental Learning

Title: Advancing Legal Reasoning: The Integration of AI to Navigate Complexities and Biases in Global Jurisprudence with Semi-Automated Arbitration Processes (SAAPs)

Title: Read to Play (R2-Play): Decision Transformer with Multimodal Game Instruction

Title: Harnessing the Plug-and-Play Controller by Prompting

Title: Attention with Markov: A Framework for Principled Analysis of Transformers via Markov Chains

Title: Informed Reinforcement Learning for Situation-Aware Traffic Rule Exceptions

Title: Scaling Laws for Downstream Task Performance of Large Language Models

Title: Reinforcement Learning with Ensemble Model Predictive Safety Certification

Title: Gradient Coding in Decentralized Learning for Evading Stragglers

Title: "Task Success" is not Enough: Investigating the Use of Video-Language Models as Behavior Critics for Catching Undesirable Agent Behaviors

Title: Can Generative Agents Predict Emotion?

Title: Can Mamba Learn How to Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks

Title: HarmBench: A Standardized Evaluation Framework for Automated Red Teaming and Robust Refusal

Title: Linear-time Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding with Reference Aggregation

Title: AnyTool: Self-Reflective, Hierarchical Agents for Large-Scale API Calls