
Title: PRES: Toward Scalable Memory-Based Dynamic Graph Neural Networks

Title: BiLLM: Pushing the Limit of Post-Training Quantization for LLMs

Title: AdaFlow: Imitation Learning with Variance-Adaptive Flow-Based Policies

Title: LightHGNN: Distilling Hypergraph Neural Networks into MLPs for $100\times$ Faster Inference

Title: Training Language Models to Generate Text with Citations via Fine-grained Rewards

Title: LESS: Selecting Influential Data for Targeted Instruction Tuning

Title: LegalLens: Leveraging LLMs for Legal Violation Identification in Unstructured Text

Title: Does Confidence Calibration Help Conformal Prediction?

Title: The Hedgehog & the Porcupine: Expressive Linear Attentions with Softmax Mimicry

Title: Neural Networks Learn Statistics of Increasing Complexity

Title: Pedestrian crossing decisions can be explained by bounded optimal decision-making under noisy visual perception

Title: $\texttt{NeRCC}$: Nested-Regression Coded Computing for Resilient Distributed Prediction Serving Systems

Title: Fine-Tuned Language Models Generate Stable Inorganic Materials as Text

Title: FairWire: Fair Graph Generation

Title: QuIP#: Even Better LLM Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks

Title: CEHR-GPT: Generating Electronic Health Records with Chronological Patient Timelines

Title: Democratizing Large Language Models via Personalized Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning

Title: Chatbot Meets Pipeline: Augment Large Language Model with Definite Finite Automaton

Title: The VampPrior Mixture Model

Title: Decentralized Blockchain-based Robust Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit

Title: PreGIP: Watermarking the Pretraining of Graph Neural Networks for Deep Intellectual Property Protection

Title: Structured Entity Extraction Using Large Language Models

Title: Evaluating Embeddings for One-Shot Classification of Doctor-AI Consultations

Title: DySLIM: Dynamics Stable Learning by Invariant Measure for Chaotic Systems

Title: Detecting Mode Collapse in Language Models via Narration

Title: De-amplifying Bias from Differential Privacy in Language Model Fine-tuning

Title: Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search

Title: The Fine-Grained Complexity of Gradient Computation for Training Large Language Models

Title: Online Cascade Learning for Efficient Inference over Streams

Title: SumRec: A Framework for Recommendation using Open-Domain Dialogue

Title: Learning Diverse Policies with Soft Self-Generated Guidance

Title: Share What You Already Know: Cross-Language-Script Transfer and Alignment for Sentiment Detection in Code-Mixed Data

Title: Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners

Title: Can Large Language Model Agents Simulate Human Trust Behaviors?

Title: OIL-AD: An Anomaly Detection Framework for Sequential Decision Sequences

Title: S-Agents: self-organizing agents in open-ended environment

Title: Collective Counterfactual Explanations via Optimal Transport

Title: UltraLink: An Open-Source Knowledge-Enhanced Multilingual Supervised Fine-tuning Dataset

Title: CMSA algorithm for solving the prioritized pairwise test data generation problem in software product lines

Title: Alirector: Alignment-Enhanced Chinese Grammatical Error Corrector

Title: Improving Cross-Domain Low-Resource Text Generation through LLM Post-Editing: A Programmer-Interpreter Approach

Title: Faithfulness vs. Plausibility: On the (Un)Reliability of Explanations from Large Language Models

Title: TinyLLM: Learning a Small Student from Multiple Large Language Models

Title: InfLLM: Unveiling the Intrinsic Capacity of LLMs for Understanding Extremely Long Sequences with Training-Free Memory

Title: MEMORYLLM: Towards Self-Updatable Large Language Models

Title: SPARQL Generation: an analysis on fine-tuning OpenLLaMA for Question Answering over a Life Science Knowledge Graph

Title: The Future of Cognitive Strategy-enhanced Persuasive Dialogue Agents: New Perspectives and Trends

Title: TransLLaMa: LLM-based Simultaneous Translation System

Title: Domain Bridge: Generative model-based domain forensic for black-box models

Title: LEVI: Generalizable Fine-tuning via Layer-wise Ensemble of Different Views

Title: Latent Plan Transformer: Planning as Latent Variable Inference

Title: Open-Vocabulary Calibration for Vision-Language Models

Title: A Perspective on Individualized Treatment Effects Estimation from Time-series Health Data

Title: Group Distributionally Robust Dataset Distillation with Risk Minimization

Title: Source Identification in Abstractive Summarization

Title: Large Language Models As Faithful Explainers

Title: Progressive Gradient Flow for Robust N:M Sparsity Training in Transformers

Title: Code as Reward: Empowering Reinforcement Learning with VLMs

Title: StableMask: Refining Causal Masking in Decoder-only Transformer

Title: A Hypothesis-Driven Framework for the Analysis of Self-Rationalising Models

Title: MLLM-as-a-Judge: Assessing Multimodal LLM-as-a-Judge with Vision-Language Benchmark

Title: Direct Language Model Alignment from Online AI Feedback

Title: Scalable Multi-view Clustering via Explicit Kernel Features Maps

Title: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Open-Ended HR Survey Responses

Title: BOWLL: A Deceptively Simple Open World Lifelong Learner

Title: How Realistic Is Your Synthetic Data? Constraining Deep Generative Models for Tabular Data

Title: Learning Communication Policies for Different Follower Behaviors in a Collaborative Reference Game

Title: Closing the Gap Between SGP4 and High-Precision Propagation via Differentiable Programming

Title: Long Is More for Alignment: A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Instruction Fine-Tuning

Title: On the Completeness of Invariant Geometric Deep Learning Models

Title: PaDeLLM-NER: Parallel Decoding in Large Language Models for Named Entity Recognition

Title: Multi-Patch Prediction: Adapting LLMs for Time Series Representation Learning

Title: CodeIt: Self-Improving Language Models with Prioritized Hindsight Replay

Title: Learning by Doing: An Online Causal Reinforcement Learning Framework with Causal-Aware Policy

Title: L4Q: Parameter Efficient Quantization-Aware Training on Large Language Models via LoRA-wise LSQ

Title: Conformal Monte Carlo Meta-learners for Predictive Inference of Individual Treatment Effects

Title: Personalized Text Generation with Fine-Grained Linguistic Control

Title: Prompting Implicit Discourse Relation Annotation

Title: Two Trades is not Baffled: Condense Graph via Crafting Rational Gradient Matching

Title: A Bayesian Approach to Online Learning for Contextual Restless Bandits with Applications to Public Health

Title: Reconfidencing LLMs from the Grouping Loss Perspective

Title: Text or Image? What is More Important in Cross-Domain Generalization Capabilities of Hate Meme Detection Models?

Title: Multi-Sender Persuasion -- A Computational Perspective

Title: An Enhanced Prompt-Based LLM Reasoning Scheme via Knowledge Graph-Integrated Collaboration

Title: Beyond explaining: XAI-based Adaptive Learning with SHAP Clustering for Energy Consumption Prediction

Title: Pedagogical Alignment of Large Language Models

Title: Randomized Confidence Bounds for Stochastic Partial Monitoring

Title: Example-based Explanations for Random Forests using Machine Unlearning

Title: Navigating Complexity: Toward Lossless Graph Condensation via Expanding Window Matching

Title: Compression of Structured Data with Autoencoders: Provable Benefit of Nonlinearities and Depth

Title: A Sober Look at LLMs for Material Discovery: Are They Actually Good for Bayesian Optimization Over Molecules?

Title: How BERT Speaks Shakespearean English? Evaluating Historical Bias in Contextual Language Models

Title: PAC Learnability under Explanation-Preserving Graph Perturbations

Title: SALAD-Bench: A Hierarchical and Comprehensive Safety Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: How VADER is your AI? Towards a definition of artificial intelligence systems appropriate for regulation

Title: A Roadmap to Pluralistic Alignment

Title: On diffusion models for amortized inference: Benchmarking and improving stochastic control and sampling

Title: Hydragen: High-Throughput LLM Inference with Shared Prefixes

Title: Hydra: Sequentially-Dependent Draft Heads for Medusa Decoding

Title: Opening the AI black box: program synthesis via mechanistic interpretability