
Title: Quantifying Similarity: Text-Mining Approaches to Evaluate ChatGPT and Google Bard Content in Relation to BioMedical Literature

Title: A Closer Look at the Limitations of Instruction Tuning

Title: More Agents Is All You Need

Title: Large Language Model for Table Processing: A Survey

Title: A Survey on Data Selection for LLM Instruction Tuning

Title: Zero-Shot Clinical Trial Patient Matching with LLMs

Title: Graph Neural Network and NER-Based Text Summarization

Title: Illuminate: A novel approach for depression detection with explainable analysis and proactive therapy using prompt engineering

Title: Enhancing Textbook Question Answering Task with Large Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Best Practices for Text Annotation with Large Language Models

Title: LB-KBQA: Large-language-model and BERT based Knowledge-Based Question and Answering System

Title: Financial Report Chunking for Effective Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: TexShape: Information Theoretic Sentence Embedding for Language Models

Title: Personalized Language Modeling from Personalized Human Feedback

Title: CADReN: Contextual Anchor-Driven Relational Network for Controllable Cross-Graphs Node Importance Estimation

Title: LV-Eval: A Balanced Long-Context Benchmark with 5 Length Levels Up to 256K

Title: SceMQA: A Scientific College Entrance Level Multimodal Question Answering Benchmark

Title: Tag-LLM: Repurposing General-Purpose LLMs for Specialized Domains

Title: ApiQ: Finetuning of 2-Bit Quantized Large Language Model

Title: FlowPG: Action-constrained Policy Gradient with Normalizing Flows

Title: CrashFormer: A Multimodal Architecture to Predict the Risk of Crash

Title: Estimating On-road Transportation Carbon Emissions from Open Data of Road Network and Origin-destination Flow Data

Title: Assessing the Brittleness of Safety Alignment via Pruning and Low-Rank Modifications

Title: The Effect of Sampling Temperature on Problem Solving in Large Language Models

Title: Bellman Conformal Inference: Calibrating Prediction Intervals For Time Series

Title: Universal Neural Functionals

Title: QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values

Title: Learning Fair Ranking Policies via Differentiable Optimization of Ordered Weighted Averages

Title: Convergence for Natural Policy Gradient on Infinite-State Average-Reward Markov Decision Processes

Title: Exploring Hierarchical Classification Performance for Time Series Data: Dissimilarity Measures and Classifier Comparisons

Title: TreeForm: End-to-end Annotation and Evaluation for Form Document Parsing

Title: Classifying spam emails using agglomerative hierarchical clustering and a topic-based approach

Title: Sym-Q: Adaptive Symbolic Regression via Sequential Decision-Making

Title: KIX: A Metacognitive Generalization Framework

Title: Exploring Learning Complexity for Downstream Data Pruning

Title: Guiding Large Language Models with Divide-and-Conquer Program for Discerning Problem Solving

Title: Noise Contrastive Alignment of Language Models with Explicit Rewards

Title: Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Guided by Evolutionary Algorithms in Large Language Models

Title: Knowledge Graphs Meet Multi-Modal Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: TASER: Temporal Adaptive Sampling for Fast and Accurate Dynamic Graph Representation Learning

Title: Optimizing for ROC Curves on Class-Imbalanced Data by Training over a Family of Loss Functions

Title: In-Context Principle Learning from Mistakes

Title: Everybody Prune Now: Structured Pruning of LLMs with only Forward Passes

Title: Version age-based client scheduling policy for federated learning

Title: DiffTOP: Differentiable Trajectory Optimization for Deep Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

Title: Neural Circuit Diagrams: Robust Diagrams for the Communication, Implementation, and Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures

Title: A Sampling Theory Perspective on Activations for Implicit Neural Representations

Title: GPT-4 Generated Narratives of Life Events using a Structured Narrative Prompt: A Validation Study

Title: Learning Uncertainty-Aware Temporally-Extended Actions

Title: Improving Agent Interactions in Virtual Environments with Language Models

Title: Accurate LoRA-Finetuning Quantization of LLMs via Information Retention

Title: Large Language Models for Psycholinguistic Plausibility Pretesting

Title: It's Never Too Late: Fusing Acoustic Information into Large Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition

Title: Rapid Optimization for Jailbreaking LLMs via Subconscious Exploitation and Echopraxia

Title: Implicit Diffusion: Efficient Optimization through Stochastic Sampling

Title: Multi-Timescale Ensemble Q-learning for Markov Decision Process Policy Optimization

Title: Determining the severity of Parkinson's disease in patients using a multi task neural network

Title: GPTs Are Multilingual Annotators for Sequence Generation Tasks

Title: NoisyICL: A Little Noise in Model Parameters Calibrates In-context Learning

Title: Differentially Private Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: Asynchronous Diffusion Learning with Agent Subsampling and Local Updates

Title: Reinforcement Learning as a Catalyst for Robust and Fair Federated Learning: Deciphering the Dynamics of Client Contributions

Title: Named Entity Recognition for Address Extraction in Speech-to-Text Transcriptions Using Synthetic Data

Title: Benchmarking Large Language Models on Communicative Medical Coaching: a Novel System and Dataset

Title: Flashback: Understanding and Mitigating Forgetting in Federated Learning

Title: Traditional Machine Learning Models and Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformer (BERT)-Based Automatic Classification of Tweets About Eating Disorders: Algorithm Development and Validation Study

Title: Establishing degrees of closeness between audio recordings along different dimensions using large-scale cross-lingual models

Title: AutoAugment Is What You Need: Enhancing Rule-based Augmentation Methods in Low-resource Regimes

Title: SoftEDA: Rethinking Rule-Based Data Augmentation with Soft Labels

Title: AttnLRP: Attention-Aware Layer-wise Relevance Propagation for Transformers

Title: Optimizing Delegation in Collaborative Human-AI Hybrid Teams

Title: Pretrained Generative Language Models as General Learning Frameworks for Sequence-Based Tasks

Title: Efficient Models for the Detection of Hate, Abuse and Profanity

Title: RepQuant: Towards Accurate Post-Training Quantization of Large Transformer Models via Scale Reparameterization

Title: Merging Facts, Crafting Fallacies: Evaluating the Contradictory Nature of Aggregated Factual Claims in Long-Form Generations

Title: Improving Token-Based World Models with Parallel Observation Prediction

Title: Unichain and Aperiodicity are Sufficient for Asymptotic Optimality of Average-Reward Restless Bandits

Title: Self-Alignment of Large Language Models via Monopolylogue-based Social Scene Simulation

Title: Unified Speech-Text Pretraining for Spoken Dialog Modeling

Title: In-Context Learning Can Re-learn Forbidden Tasks

Title: Model-Based RL for Mean-Field Games is not Statistically Harder than Single-Agent RL

Title: TimeArena: Shaping Efficient Multitasking Language Agents in a Time-Aware Simulation

Title: Implicit Bias and Fast Convergence Rates for Self-attention

Title: SpiRit-LM: Interleaved Spoken and Written Language Model

Title: Latent variable model for high-dimensional point process with structured missingness

Title: Off-policy Distributional Q($λ$): Distributional RL without Importance Sampling

Title: Analysing the Sample Complexity of Opponent Shaping

Title: Text-to-Code Generation with Modality-relative Pre-training

Title: Limits of Transformer Language Models on Algorithmic Learning

Title: Prompting Fairness: Artificial Intelligence as Game Players

Title: Phonetically rich corpus construction for a low-resourced language

Title: On Calibration and Conformal Prediction of Deep Classifiers

Title: Training Large Language Models for Reasoning through Reverse Curriculum Reinforcement Learning

Title: FAQ-Gen: An automated system to generate domain-specific FAQs to aid content comprehension

Title: Selective Forgetting: Advancing Machine Unlearning Techniques and Evaluation in Language Models

Title: Guided Evolution with Binary Discriminators for ML Program Search

Title: Is it Possible to Edit Large Language Models Robustly?

Title: Discovering Temporally-Aware Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Title: Limitations of Agents Simulated by Predictive Models

Title: How Much is Unseen Depends Chiefly on Information About the Seen

Title: Learning to Route Among Specialized Experts for Zero-Shot Generalization

Title: Let Your Graph Do the Talking: Encoding Structured Data for LLMs

Title: How Well Can LLMs Negotiate? NegotiationArena Platform and Analysis

Title: Permute-and-Flip: An optimally robust and watermarkable decoder for LLMs

Title: PromptCrypt: Prompt Encryption for Secure Communication with Large Language Models

Title: Federated Offline Reinforcement Learning: Collaborative Single-Policy Coverage Suffices

Title: Generative Echo Chamber? Effects of LLM-Powered Search Systems on Diverse Information Seeking

Title: Large Language Model Meets Graph Neural Network in Knowledge Distillation

Title: FACT-GPT: Fact-Checking Augmentation via Claim Matching with LLMs

Title: Risk-Sensitive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Network Aggregative Markov Games

Title: Efficient Stagewise Pretraining via Progressive Subnetworks

Title: GenEFT: Understanding Statics and Dynamics of Model Generalization via Effective Theory

Title: On the Convergence of Zeroth-Order Federated Tuning in Large Language Models

Title: An Interactive Agent Foundation Model

Title: WebLINX: Real-World Website Navigation with Multi-Turn Dialogue