
Title: Cooperative Knowledge Distillation: A Learner Agnostic Approach

Title: A hybrid IndRNNLSTM approach for real-time anomaly detection in software-defined networks

Title: Todyformer: Towards Holistic Dynamic Graph Transformers with Structure-Aware Tokenization

Title: DE$^3$-BERT: Distance-Enhanced Early Exiting for BERT based on Prototypical Networks

Title: \textit{SQT} -- \textit{std} $Q$-target

Title: Advancing Graph Representation Learning with Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey of Techniques

Title: Phase-driven Domain Generalizable Learning for Nonstationary Time Series

Title: EXGC: Bridging Efficiency and Explainability in Graph Condensation

Title: Frugal Actor-Critic: Sample Efficient Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Unique Experiences

Title: Rethink Model Re-Basin and the Linear Mode Connectivity

Title: Breaking Symmetry When Training Transformers

Title: Exploring the Impact of In-Browser Deep Learning Inference on Quality of User Experience and Performance

Title: Exploring Visual Culture Awareness in GPT-4V: A Comprehensive Probing

Title: Checking the Sufficiently Scattered Condition using a Global Non-Convex Optimization Software

Title: Decision Theory-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Fast Learning

Title: Optimizing Predictive AI in Physical Design Flows with Mini Pixel Batch Gradient Descent

Title: Contrastive Approach to Prior Free Positive Unlabeled Learning

Title: A Prompt Response to the Demand for Automatic Gender-Neutral Translation

Title: OpenToM: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Theory-of-Mind Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: Limits of Large Language Models in Debating Humans

Title: ActiveDP: Bridging Active Learning and Data Programming

Title: Scaling Artificial Intelligence for Digital Wargaming in Support of Decision-Making

Title: SubGen: Token Generation in Sublinear Time and Memory

Title: Rethinking Data Selection for Supervised Fine-Tuning

Title: Function Aligned Regression: A Method Explicitly Learns Functional Derivatives from Data

Title: AI enhanced data assimilation and uncertainty quantification applied to Geological Carbon Storage

Title: Exploring Group and Symmetry Principles in Large Language Models

Title: Iterated Denoising Energy Matching for Sampling from Boltzmann Densities

Title: Language Model Sentence Completion with a Parser-Driven Rhetorical Control Method

Title: Learn To be Efficient: Build Structured Sparsity in Large Language Models

Title: Jointly Learning Representations for Map Entities via Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning

Title: DeAL: Decoding-time Alignment for Large Language Models

Title: Domain Generalization with Small Data

Title: Model Editing with Canonical Examples

Title: Premier-TACO: Pretraining Multitask Representation via Temporal Action-Driven Contrastive Loss

Title: Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: The Generative AI Paradox on Evaluation: What It Can Solve, It May Not Evaluate

Title: ResumeFlow: An LLM-facilitated Pipeline for Personalized Resume Generation and Refinement

Title: Studious Bob Fight Back Against Jailbreaking via Prompt Adversarial Tuning

Title: On the Efficacy of Eviction Policy for Key-Value Constrained Generative Language Model Inference

Title: LLaVA-Docent: Instruction Tuning with Multimodal Large Language Model to Support Art Appreciation Education

Title: Value function interference and greedy action selection in value-based multi-objective reinforcement learning

Title: Evaluating Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning

Title: Multimodal Interpretable Data-Driven Models for Early Prediction of Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance Using Multivariate Time-Series

Title: Prompt Learning on Temporal Interaction Graphs

Title: InternLM-Math: Open Math Large Language Models Toward Verifiable Reasoning

Title: RareBench: Can LLMs Serve as Rare Diseases Specialists?

Title: Modelling Human Values for AI Reasoning

Title: TEE4EHR: Transformer Event Encoder for Better Representation Learning in Electronic Health Records

Title: Human Aesthetic Preference-Based Large Text-to-Image Model Personalization: Kandinsky Generation as an Example

Title: Hierarchical Transformers are Efficient Meta-Reinforcement Learners

Title: Trust the Process: Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning to Enhance Trust in Generative AI Interactions

Title: Findings of the First Workshop on Simulating Conversational Intelligence in Chat

Title: An Algorithmic Framework for Constructing Multiple Decision Trees by Evaluating Their Combination Performance Throughout the Construction Process

Title: V-STaR: Training Verifiers for Self-Taught Reasoners

Title: Inducing Systematicity in Transformers by Attending to Structurally Quantized Embeddings

Title: On the Fly Detection of Root Causes from Observed Data with Application to IT Systems

Title: Scalable Interactive Machine Learning for Future Command and Control

Title: Multimodal Clinical Trial Outcome Prediction with Large Language Models

Title: Introspective Planning: Guiding Language-Enabled Agents to Refine Their Own Uncertainty

Title: Generative Adversarial Bayesian Optimization for Surrogate Objectives

Title: Calibrating Long-form Generations from Large Language Models

Title: Bryndza at ClimateActivism 2024: Stance, Target and Hate Event Detection via Retrieval-Augmented GPT-4 and LLaMA

Title: Deceptive Path Planning via Reinforcement Learning with Graph Neural Networks

Title: The Quantified Boolean Bayesian Network: Theory and Experiments with a Logical Graphical Model

Title: Diffusion-ES: Gradient-free Planning with Diffusion for Autonomous Driving and Zero-Shot Instruction Following

Title: SAE: Single Architecture Ensemble Neural Networks

Title: G-SciEdBERT: A Contextualized LLM for Science Assessment Tasks in German

Title: Self-consistent context aware conformer transducer for speech recognition

Title: Understanding the Weakness of Large Language Model Agents within a Complex Android Environment

Title: RQP-SGD: Differential Private Machine Learning through Noisy SGD and Randomized Quantization

Title: TIC: Translate-Infer-Compile for accurate 'text to plan' using LLMs and logical intermediate representations

Title: FaBERT: Pre-training BERT on Persian Blogs

Title: Aya Dataset: An Open-Access Collection for Multilingual Instruction Tuning

Title: Understanding the Effects of Iterative Prompting on Truthfulness

Title: Feedback Loops With Language Models Drive In-Context Reward Hacking