
Title: PRompt Optimization in Multi-Step Tasks (PROMST): Integrating Human Feedback and Preference Alignment

Title: PRDP: Proximal Reward Difference Prediction for Large-Scale Reward Finetuning of Diffusion Models

Title: Experts Don't Cheat: Learning What You Don't Know By Predicting Pairs

Title: LLM-driven Imitation of Subrational Behavior : Illusion or Reality?

Title: Learning How To Ask: Cycle-Consistency Refines Prompts in Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Bayesian Strategic Classification

Title: JAMDEC: Unsupervised Authorship Obfuscation using Constrained Decoding over Small Language Models

Title: Optimal Task Assignment and Path Planning using Conflict-Based Search with Precedence and Temporal Constraints

Title: Enhanced Deep Q-Learning for 2D Self-Driving Cars: Implementation and Evaluation on a Custom Track Environment

Title: InstructGraph: Boosting Large Language Models via Graph-centric Instruction Tuning and Preference Alignment

Title: Rethinking Machine Unlearning for Large Language Models

Title: Combining Insights From Multiple Large Language Models Improves Diagnostic Accuracy

Title: eCeLLM: Generalizing Large Language Models for E-commerce from Large-scale, High-quality Instruction Data

Title: Intelligent Agricultural Management Considering N$_2$O Emission and Climate Variability with Uncertainties

Title: Learning to Generate Context-Sensitive Backchannel Smiles for Embodied AI Agents with Applications in Mental Health Dialogues

Title: An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for LLM with Strong ASR Capacity

Title: Large Language Model with Graph Convolution for Recommendation

Title: Tree-Based Hard Attention with Self-Motivation for Large Language Models

Title: The Mirrored Influence Hypothesis: Efficient Data Influence Estimation by Harnessing Forward Passes

Title: MaxMin-RLHF: Towards Equitable Alignment of Large Language Models with Diverse Human Preferences

Title: Premise Order Matters in Reasoning with Large Language Models

Title: Using Counterfactual Tasks to Evaluate the Generality of Analogical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: MUSTARD: Mastering Uniform Synthesis of Theorem and Proof Data

Title: Towards Next-Level Post-Training Quantization of Hyper-Scale Transformers

Title: GrounDial: Human-norm Grounded Safe Dialog Response Generation

Title: Nearly Minimax Optimal Regret for Learning Linear Mixture Stochastic Shortest Path

Title: Multi-Query Focused Disaster Summarization via Instruction-Based Prompting

Title: Towards better Human-Agent Alignment: Assessing Task Utility in LLM-Powered Applications

Title: SLEB: Streamlining LLMs through Redundancy Verification and Elimination of Transformer Blocks

Title: FGeo-TP: A Language Model-Enhanced Solver for Geometry Problems

Title: FGeo-DRL: Deductive Reasoning for Geometric Problems through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Title: L3GO: Language Agents with Chain-of-3D-Thoughts for Generating Unconventional Objects

Title: Soft Prompt Threats: Attacking Safety Alignment and Unlearning in Open-Source LLMs through the Embedding Space

Title: Exploring Neuron Interactions and Emergence in LLMs: From the Multifractal Analysis Perspective

Title: Exploring the Adversarial Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: DolphCoder: Echo-Locating Code Large Language Models with Diverse and Multi-Objective Instruction Tuning

Title: Into the Unknown: Self-Learning Large Language Models

Title: Chinese MentalBERT: Domain-Adaptive Pre-training on Social Media for Chinese Mental Health Text Analysis

Title: Attacking Large Language Models with Projected Gradient Descent

Title: Role-Playing Simulation Games using ChatGPT

Title: Leveraging the Context through Multi-Round Interactions for Jailbreaking Attacks

Title: (Ir)rationality and Cognitive Biases in Large Language Models

Title: Ten Words Only Still Help: Improving Black-Box AI-Generated Text Detection via Proxy-Guided Efficient Re-Sampling

Title: Tell Me More! Towards Implicit User Intention Understanding of Language Model Driven Agents

Title: Scaling the Authoring of AutoTutors with Large Language Models

Title: Spectral Filters, Dark Signals, and Attention Sinks

Title: Learning Interpretable Concepts: Unifying Causal Representation Learning and Foundation Models

Title: Switch EMA: A Free Lunch for Better Flatness and Sharpness

Title: SyntaxShap: Syntax-aware Explainability Method for Text Generation

Title: Self-Alignment for Factuality: Mitigating Hallucinations in LLMs via Self-Evaluation

Title: Personalized Large Language Models

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced NLP Task Performance through Knowledge Distillation and Optimized Training Strategies

Title: Attacks, Defenses and Evaluations for LLM Conversation Safety: A Survey

Title: ICDPO: Effectively Borrowing Alignment Capability of Others via In-context Direct Preference Optimization

Title: AuditLLM: A Tool for Auditing Large Language Models Using Multiprobe Approach

Title: Mitigating Reward Hacking via Information-Theoretic Reward Modeling

Title: Developing a Framework for Auditing Large Language Models Using Human-in-the-Loop

Title: Integrating ChatGPT into Secure Hospital Networks: A Case Study on Improving Radiology Report Analysis

Title: HiRE: High Recall Approximate Top-$k$ Estimation for Efficient LLM Inference

Title: Copyright Traps for Large Language Models

Title: Massively Multi-Cultural Knowledge Acquisition & LM Benchmarking

Title: Transformers Can Achieve Length Generalization But Not Robustly

Title: HGOT: Hierarchical Graph of Thoughts for Retrieval-Augmented In-Context Learning in Factuality Evaluation

Title: LlaSMol: Advancing Large Language Models for Chemistry with a Large-Scale, Comprehensive, High-Quality Instruction Tuning Dataset

Title: Long-form evaluation of model editing

Title: Get More with LESS: Synthesizing Recurrence with KV Cache Compression for Efficient LLM Inference

Title: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Active Queries

Title: AQA-Bench: An Interactive Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs' Sequential Reasoning Ability