
Title: HyperAgent: A Simple, Scalable, Efficient and Provable Reinforcement Learning Framework for Complex Environments

Title: A StrongREJECT for Empty Jailbreaks

Title: Experiments with Encoding Structured Data for Neural Networks

Title: How to Discern Important Urgent News?

Title: Interpretable Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

Title: Large Language Models for Forecasting and Anomaly Detection: A Systematic Literature Review

Title: Prompt-Based Bias Calibration for Better Zero/Few-Shot Learning of Language Models

Title: Can we soft prompt LLMs for graph learning tasks?

Title: BioMistral: A Collection of Open-Source Pretrained Large Language Models for Medical Domains

Title: DataDreamer: A Tool for Synthetic Data Generation and Reproducible LLM Workflows

Title: Subgraph-level Universal Prompt Tuning

Title: Chain of Logic: Rule-Based Reasoning with Large Language Models

Title: Understanding Survey Paper Taxonomy about Large Language Models via Graph Representation Learning

Title: Measuring and Reducing LLM Hallucination without Gold-Standard Answers via Expertise-Weighting

Title: Grounding Language about Belief in a Bayesian Theory-of-Mind

Title: Understanding In-Context Learning with a Pelican Soup Framework

Title: DELL: Generating Reactions and Explanations for LLM-Based Misinformation Detection

Title: Smaller Language Models are capable of selecting Instruction-Tuning Training Data for Larger Language Models

Title: I Am Not Them: Fluid Identities and Persistent Out-group Bias in Large Language Models

Title: PRISE: Learning Temporal Action Abstractions as a Sequence Compression Problem

Title: Steering Conversational Large Language Models for Long Emotional Support Conversations

Title: QDyLoRA: Quantized Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation for Efficient Large Language Model Tuning

Title: Large Language Models as Zero-shot Dialogue State Tracker through Function Calling

Title: Comparing Hallucination Detection Metrics for Multilingual Generation

Title: Provably Sample Efficient RLHF via Active Preference Optimization

Title: Any-Precision LLM: Low-Cost Deployment of Multiple, Different-Sized LLMs

Title: Zero-shot sampling of adversarial entities in biomedical question answering

Title: Can We Verify Step by Step for Incorrect Answer Detection?

Title: Properties and Challenges of LLM-Generated Explanations

Title: Strong hallucinations from negation and how to fix them

Title: Conversational SimulMT: Efficient Simultaneous Translation with Large Language Models

Title: Disordered-DABS: A Benchmark for Dynamic Aspect-Based Summarization in Disordered Texts

Title: InSaAF: Incorporating Safety through Accuracy and Fairness | Are LLMs ready for the Indian Legal Domain?

Title: Direct Preference Optimization with an Offset

Title: LinkNER: Linking Local Named Entity Recognition Models to Large Language Models using Uncertainty

Title: Symbolic Autoencoding for Self-Supervised Sequence Learning

Title: Threads of Subtlety: Detecting Machine-Generated Texts Through Discourse Motifs

Title: Do Llamas Work in English? On the Latent Language of Multilingual Transformers

Title: Efficiency at Scale: Investigating the Performance of Diminutive Language Models in Clinical Tasks

Title: Jailbreaking Proprietary Large Language Models using Word Substitution Cipher

Title: Retrieve Only When It Needs: Adaptive Retrieval Augmentation for Hallucination Mitigation in Large Language Models

Title: Can LLMs Speak For Diverse People? Tuning LLMs via Debate to Generate Controllable Controversial Statements

Title: Enhancing Role-playing Systems through Aggressive Queries: Evaluation and Improvement

Title: BitDistiller: Unleashing the Potential of Sub-4-Bit LLMs via Self-Distillation

Title: Generalizability of Mixture of Domain-Specific Adapters from the Lens of Signed Weight Directions and its Application to Effective Model Pruning

Title: Linear Transformers with Learnable Kernel Functions are Better In-Context Models

Title: Can Separators Improve Chain-of-Thought Prompting?

Title: AbsInstruct: Eliciting Abstraction Ability from LLMs through Explanation Tuning with Plausibility Estimation

Title: Enhancing Numerical Reasoning with the Guidance of Reliable Reasoning Processes

Title: Improving Demonstration Diversity by Human-Free Fusing for Text-to-SQL

Title: Humans or LLMs as the Judge? A Study on Judgement Biases

Title: OpenFMNav: Towards Open-Set Zero-Shot Object Navigation via Vision-Language Foundation Models

Title: Decomposition for Enhancing Attention: Improving LLM-based Text-to-SQL through Workflow Paradigm

Title: German Text Simplification: Finetuning Large Language Models with Semi-Synthetic Data

Title: LongHeads: Multi-Head Attention is Secretly a Long Context Processor

Title: Opening the Black Box of Large Language Models: Two Views on Holistic Interpretability

Title: Multi-Cultural Commonsense Knowledge Distillation

Title: MultiPoT: Multilingual Program of Thoughts Harnesses Multiple Programming Languages

Title: Exploring Precision and Recall to assess the quality and diversity of LLMs

Title: Rethinking Human-like Translation Strategy: Integrating Drift-Diffusion Model with Large Language Models for Machine Translation

Title: AutoSAT: Automatically Optimize SAT Solvers via Large Language Models

Title: An Empirical Study on Cross-lingual Vocabulary Adaptation for Efficient Generative LLM Inference

Title: Assessing the Reasoning Abilities of ChatGPT in the Context of Claim Verification

Title: Let's Learn Step by Step: Enhancing In-Context Learning Ability with Curriculum Learning

Title: GenRES: Rethinking Evaluation for Generative Relation Extraction in the Era of Large Language Models

Title: ToolSword: Unveiling Safety Issues of Large Language Models in Tool Learning Across Three Stages

Title: Inference to the Best Explanation in Large Language Models

Title: Distillation Enhanced Generative Retrieval

Title: How Reliable Are Automatic Evaluation Methods for Instruction-Tuned LLMs?

Title: A Condensed Transition Graph Framework for Zero-shot Link Prediction with Large Language Models

Title: EdgeQAT: Entropy and Distribution Guided Quantization-Aware Training for the Acceleration of Lightweight LLMs on the Edge

Title: In Search of Needles in a 10M Haystack: Recurrent Memory Finds What LLMs Miss

Title: Quantifying the Persona Effect in LLM Simulations

Title: Exploring Hybrid Question Answering via Program-based Prompting

Title: Trading off Consistency and Dimensionality of Convex Surrogates for the Mode

Title: Time Series Forecasting with LLMs: Understanding and Enhancing Model Capabilities

Title: EcoRank: Budget-Constrained Text Re-ranking Using Large Language Models

Title: Robust agents learn causal world models

Title: Multi-modal preference alignment remedies regression of visual instruction tuning on language model

Title: Reviewer2: Optimizing Review Generation Through Prompt Generation

Title: When is Tree Search Useful for LLM Planning? It Depends on the Discriminator

Title: Instruction Diversity Drives Generalization To Unseen Tasks

Title: RLVF: Learning from Verbal Feedback without Overgeneralization