
Title: Query-OPT: Optimizing Inference of Large Language Models via Multi-Query Instructions in Meeting Summarization

Title: Resonance RoPE: Improving Context Length Generalization of Large Language Models

Title: PROC2PDDL: Open-Domain Planning Representations from Texts

Title: FAC$^2$E: Better Understanding Large Language Model Capabilities by Dissociating Language and Cognition

Title: Prompting ChatGPT for Translation: A Comparative Analysis of Translation Brief and Persona Prompts

Title: TELEClass: Taxonomy Enrichment and LLM-Enhanced Hierarchical Text Classification with Minimal Supervision

Title: "Flex Tape Can't Fix That": Bias and Misinformation in Edited Language Models

Title: AXOLOTL: Fairness through Assisted Self-Debiasing of Large Language Model Outputs

Title: Improving Socratic Question Generation using Data Augmentation and Preference Optimization

Title: Benchmarking zero-shot stance detection with FlanT5-XXL: Insights from training data, prompting, and decoding strategies into its near-SoTA performance

Title: Extracting Polymer Nanocomposite Samples from Full-Length Documents

Title: Gender Bias in Large Language Models across Multiple Languages

Title: DPP-Based Adversarial Prompt Searching for Lanugage Models

Title: Semi-Instruct: Bridging Natural-Instruct and Self-Instruct for Code Large Language Models

Title: Cross-Lingual Learning vs. Low-Resource Fine-Tuning: A Case Study with Fact-Checking in Turkish

Title: Rethinking Tokenization: Crafting Better Tokenizers for Large Language Models

Title: LLMs for Targeted Sentiment in News Headlines: Exploring Different Levels of Prompt Prescriptiveness

Title: Hierarchical Indexing for Retrieval-Augmented Opinion Summarization

Title: LUCID: LLM-Generated Utterances for Complex and Interesting Dialogues

Title: Do Zombies Understand? A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Exploration of Machine Cognition

Title: Surveying the Dead Minds: Historical-Psychological Text Analysis with Contextualized Construct Representation (CCR) for Classical Chinese

Title: ROME: Memorization Insights from Text, Probability and Hidden State in Large Language Models

Title: Large Language Models for Simultaneous Named Entity Extraction and Spelling Correction

Title: Standardizing the Measurement of Text Diversity: A Tool and a Comparative Analysis of Scores

Title: Modeling the Quality of Dialogical Explanations

Title: Self-Consistent Decoding for More Factual Open Responses

Title: Dialect prejudice predicts AI decisions about people's character, employability, and criminality

Title: Mitigating Reversal Curse via Semantic-aware Permutation Training