
Title: Can Large Language Models do Analytical Reasoning?

Title: Transformers and Language Models in Form Understanding: A Comprehensive Review of Scanned Document Analysis

Title: Metric-aware LLM inference

Title: Large Language Models are In-Context Molecule Learners

Title: Self-Evaluation of Large Language Model based on Glass-box Features

Title: Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment

Title: DEEP-ICL: Definition-Enriched Experts for Language Model In-Context Learning

Title: UltraWiki: Ultra-fine-grained Entity Set Expansion with Negative Seed Entities

Title: Proxy-RLHF: Decoupling Generation and Alignment in Large Language Model with Proxy

Title: HaluEval-Wild: Evaluating Hallucinations of Language Models in the Wild

Title: Can Your Model Tell a Negation from an Implicature? Unravelling Challenges With Intent Encoders

Title: Measuring Meaning Composition in the Human Brain with Composition Scores from Large Language Models

Title: Computational Modelling of Plurality and Definiteness in Chinese Noun Phrases

Title: Acceleron: A Tool to Accelerate Research Ideation

Title: Promising and worth-to-try future directions for advancing state-of-the-art surrogates methods of agent-based models in social and health computational sciences

Title: Classist Tools: Social Class Correlates with Performance in NLP

Title: Low-Resource Court Judgment Summarization for Common Law Systems

Title: Pearl: A Review-driven Persona-Knowledge Grounded Conversational Recommendation Dataset

Title: Do Large Language Model Understand Multi-Intent Spoken Language ?

Title: Where does In-context Translation Happen in Large Language Models

Title: QAQ: Quality Adaptive Quantization for LLM KV Cache

Title: Yi: Open Foundation Models by 01.AI

Title: Chain of Thought Explanation for Dialogue State Tracking

Title: Telecom Language Models: Must They Be Large?

Title: Fact-Checking the Output of Large Language Models via Token-Level Uncertainty Quantification

Title: Common 7B Language Models Already Possess Strong Math Capabilities

Title: LLMs in the Imaginarium: Tool Learning through Simulated Trial and Error