
Title: Automatic Summarization of Doctor-Patient Encounter Dialogues Using Large Language Model through Prompt Tuning

Title: Encode Once and Decode in Parallel: Efficient Transformer Decoding

Title: Technical Report: Competition Solution For BetterMixture

Title: SumTra: A Differentiable Pipeline for Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Summarization

Title: Instruction Multi-Constraint Molecular Generation Using a Teacher-Student Large Language Model

Title: Facilitating Pornographic Text Detection for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems via Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models

Title: Arcee's MergeKit: A Toolkit for Merging Large Language Models

Title: LeanReasoner: Boosting Complex Logical Reasoning with Lean

Title: Hyacinth6B: A large language model for Traditional Chinese

Title: Computational Models to Study Language Processing in the Human Brain: A Survey

Title: Clinical information extraction for Low-resource languages with Few-shot learning using Pre-trained language models and Prompting

Title: LlamaFactory: Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ Language Models

Title: An Entropy-based Text Watermarking Detection Method

Title: How Gender Interacts with Political Values: A Case Study on Czech BERT Models

Title: Dynamic Reward Adjustment in Multi-Reward Reinforcement Learning for Counselor Reflection Generation

Title: Teacher-Student Training for Debiasing: General Permutation Debiasing for Large Language Models

Title: Llama meets EU: Investigating the European Political Spectrum through the Lens of LLMs

Title: Do Not Worry if You Do Not Have Data: Building Pretrained Language Models Using Translationese

Title: Grounding Spatial Relations in Text-Only Language Models

Title: RoleInteract: Evaluating the Social Interaction of Role-Playing Agents

Title: PARAMANU-AYN: An Efficient Novel Generative and Instruction-tuned Language Model for Indian Legal Case Documents

Title: EthioLLM: Multilingual Large Language Models for Ethiopian Languages with Task Evaluation

Title: Different Tokenization Schemes Lead to Comparable Performance in Spanish Number Agreement

Title: Information-Theoretic Distillation for Reference-less Summarization

Title: Chain-of-Interaction: Enhancing Large Language Models for Psychiatric Behavior Understanding by Dyadic Contexts

Title: Reverse Training to Nurse the Reversal Curse