
Title: Whose Side Are You On? Investigating the Political Stance of Large Language Models

Title: Train & Constrain: Phonologically Informed Tongue-Twister Generation from Topics and Paraphrases

Title: Leveraging Linguistically Enhanced Embeddings for Open Information Extraction

Title: Reducing Large Language Model Bias with Emphasis on 'Restricted Industries': Automated Dataset Augmentation and Prejudice Quantification

Title: Evaluating Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Pretrained Sentence Embeddings

Title: On Prompt Sensitivity of ChatGPT in Affective Computing

Title: A New Massive Multilingual Dataset for High-Performance Language Technologies

Title: A Taxonomy of Ambiguity Types for NLP

Title: Benchmarking Chinese Commonsense Reasoning of LLMs: From Chinese-Specifics to Reasoning-Memorization Correlations

Title: From Handcrafted Features to LLMs: A Brief Survey for Machine Translation Quality Estimation

Title: MMIDR: Teaching Large Language Model to Interpret Multimodal Misinformation via Knowledge Distillation

Title: Context Quality Matters in Training Fusion-in-Decoder for Extractive Open-Domain Question Answering

Title: Improving the Robustness of Large Language Models via Consistency Alignment

Title: Reinforcement Learning from Reflective Feedback (RLRF): Aligning and Improving LLMs via Fine-Grained Self-Reflection

Title: Dermacen Analytica: A Novel Methodology Integrating Multi-Modal Large Language Models with Machine Learning in tele-dermatology

Title: LayoutLLM: Large Language Model Instruction Tuning for Visually Rich Document Understanding

Title: K-Act2Emo: Korean Commonsense Knowledge Graph for Indirect Emotional Expression

Title: ERD: A Framework for Improving LLM Reasoning for Cognitive Distortion Classification

Title: LLM-based Extraction of Contradictions from Patents

Title: ChainLM: Empowering Large Language Models with Improved Chain-of-Thought Prompting

Title: Beyond Surface Similarity: Detecting Subtle Semantic Shifts in Financial Narratives

Title: WikiFactDiff: A Large, Realistic, and Temporally Adaptable Dataset for Atomic Factual Knowledge Update in Causal Language Models

Title: FIT-RAG: Black-Box RAG with Factual Information and Token Reduction

Title: Editing Knowledge Representation of Language Lodel via Rephrased Prefix Prompts

Title: From Large to Tiny: Distilling and Refining Mathematical Expertise for Math Word Problems with Weakly Supervision

Title: Building Accurate Translation-Tailored LLMs with Language Aware Instruction Tuning

Title: Adaptive-RAG: Learning to Adapt Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models through Question Complexity

Title: Locating and Mitigating Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Title: Emergent communication and learning pressures in language models: a language evolution perspective

Title: A Multimodal Approach to Device-Directed Speech Detection with Large Language Models

Title: gTBLS: Generating Tables from Text by Conditional Question Answering

Title: Multi-Level Explanations for Generative Language Models

Title: ChatGPT Alternative Solutions: Large Language Models Survey

Title: Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Title: EDT: Improving Large Language Models' Generation by Entropy-based Dynamic Temperature Sampling

Title: Lexicon-Level Contrastive Visual-Grounding Improves Language Modeling

Title: The Era of Semantic Decoding

Title: A Chain-of-Thought Prompting Approach with LLMs for Evaluating Students' Formative Assessment Responses in Science

Title: Large Language Models for Multi-Choice Question Classification of Medical Subjects