
Title: The opportunities and risks of large language models in mental health

Title: TAMS: Translation-Assisted Morphological Segmentation

Title: Comparing Plausibility Estimates in Base and Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models

Title: AutoRE: Document-Level Relation Extraction with Large Language Models

Title: Stance Reasoner: Zero-Shot Stance Detection on Social Media with Explicit Reasoning

Title: Hierarchical Skip Decoding for Efficient Autoregressive Text Generation

Title: Attention-Driven Reasoning: Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models

Title: On Zero-Shot Counterspeech Generation by LLMs

Title: KnowLA: Enhancing Parameter-efficient Finetuning with Knowledgeable Adaptation

Title: Evidence-Driven Retrieval Augmented Response Generation for Online Misinformation

Title: MasonTigers at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Solving Puzzles with an Ensemble of Chain-of-Thoughts

Title: Risk and Response in Large Language Models: Evaluating Key Threat Categories

Title: MasonTigers at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Performance Analysis of Transformer-based Models on Machine-Generated Text Detection

Title: ESG Classification by Implicit Rule Learning via GPT-4

Title: LLM2LLM: Boosting LLMs with Novel Iterative Data Enhancement

Title: CHisIEC: An Information Extraction Corpus for Ancient Chinese History

Title: Text clustering with LLM embeddings

Title: Language Models in Dialogue: Conversational Maxims for Human-AI Interactions

Title: Investigating the Performance of Language Models for Completing Code in Functional Programming Languages: a Haskell Case Study

Title: Comprehensive Reassessment of Large-Scale Evaluation Outcomes in LLMs: A Multifaceted Statistical Approach

Title: Imagination Augmented Generation: Learning to Imagine Richer Context for Question Answering over Large Language Models

Title: Event Temporal Relation Extraction based on Retrieval-Augmented on LLMs

Title: CoLLEGe: Concept Embedding Generation for Large Language Models