
Title: SambaLingo: Teaching Large Language Models New Languages

Title: GeniL: A Multilingual Dataset on Generalizing Language

Title: CodecLM: Aligning Language Models with Tailored Synthetic Data

Title: Eraser: Jailbreaking Defense in Large Language Models via Unlearning Harmful Knowledge

Title: Eagle and Finch: RWKV with Matrix-Valued States and Dynamic Recurrence

Title: WILBUR: Adaptive In-Context Learning for Robust and Accurate Web Agents

Title: The Hallucinations Leaderboard -- An Open Effort to Measure Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Title: VisualWebBench: How Far Have Multimodal LLMs Evolved in Web Page Understanding and Grounding?

Title: LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders

Title: THOUGHTSCULPT: Reasoning with Intermediate Revision and Search

Title: Optimization Methods for Personalizing Large Language Models through Retrieval Augmentation

Title: Event-enhanced Retrieval in Real-time Search

Title: Privacy Preserving Prompt Engineering: A Survey

Title: FreeEval: A Modular Framework for Trustworthy and Efficient Evaluation of Large Language Models

Title: Identifying Shopping Intent in Product QA for Proactive Recommendations

Title: All in One: An Empirical Study of GPT for Few-Shot Aspect-Based Sentiment Anlaysis

Title: SmurfCat at SemEval-2024 Task 6: Leveraging Synthetic Data for Hallucination Detection

Title: Cendol: Open Instruction-tuned Generative Large Language Models for Indonesian Languages

Title: Characterizing Multimodal Long-form Summarization: A Case Study on Financial Reports

Title: Clue-Instruct: Text-Based Clue Generation for Educational Crossword Puzzles

Title: VI-OOD: A Unified Representation Learning Framework for Textual Out-of-distribution Detection

Title: Low-Cost Generation and Evaluation of Dictionary Example Sentences

Title: Understanding Cross-Lingual Alignment -- A Survey

Title: LLMs' Reading Comprehension Is Affected by Parametric Knowledge and Struggles with Hypothetical Statements

Title: RAR-b: Reasoning as Retrieval Benchmark

Title: SurveyAgent: A Conversational System for Personalized and Efficient Research Survey

Title: ClinLinker: Medical Entity Linking of Clinical Concept Mentions in Spanish

Title: Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training for Large Language Models

Title: Event Extraction in Basque: Typologically motivated Cross-Lingual Transfer-Learning Analysis

Title: MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of Small Language Models with Scalable Training Strategies

Title: Take a Look at it! Rethinking How to Evaluate Language Model Jailbreak

Title: Text-Based Reasoning About Vector Graphics

Title: Ada-LEval: Evaluating long-context LLMs with length-adaptable benchmarks

Title: Pitfalls of Conversational LLMs on News Debiasing

Title: Comparing Two Model Designs for Clinical Note Generation; Is an LLM a Useful Evaluator of Consistency?

Title: On the Effect of (Near) Duplicate Subwords in Language Modelling