
Title: MSciNLI: A Diverse Benchmark for Scientific Natural Language Inference

Title: SQBC: Active Learning using LLM-Generated Synthetic Data for Stance Detection in Online Political Discussions

Title: Data-Augmentation-Based Dialectal Adaptation for LLMs

Title: HLTCOE at TREC 2023 NeuCLIR Track

Title: Distilling Algorithmic Reasoning from LLMs via Explaining Solution Programs

Title: Measuring Cross-lingual Transfer in Bytes

Title: Investigating Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages: Using Bavarian as a Case Study

Title: Pretraining and Updating Language- and Domain-specific Large Language Model: A Case Study in Japanese Business Domain

Title: Relational Prompt-based Pre-trained Language Models for Social Event Detection

Title: Toward a Theory of Tokenization in LLMs

Title: ASR advancements for indigenous languages: Quechua, Guarani, Bribri, Kotiria, and Wa'ikhana

Title: Look at the Text: Instruction-Tuned Language Models are More Robust Multiple Choice Selectors than You Think

Title: Learning representations of learning representations

Title: Thematic Analysis with Large Language Models: does it work with languages other than English? A targeted test in Italian

Title: Mitigating Language-Level Performance Disparity in mPLMs via Teacher Language Selection and Cross-lingual Self-Distillation

Title: Small Models Are (Still) Effective Cross-Domain Argument Extractors

Title: Is ChatGPT Transforming Academics' Writing Style?

Title: Pre-training Small Base LMs with Fewer Tokens