
Title: FlowMind: Automatic Workflow Generation with LLMs

Title: "Hey..! This medicine made me sick": Sentiment Analysis of User-Generated Drug Reviews using Machine Learning Techniques

Title: Intellecta Cognitiva: A Comprehensive Dataset for Advancing Academic Knowledge and Machine Reasoning

Title: Leveraging Large Language Model as Simulated Patients for Clinical Education

Title: Evidence from counterfactual tasks supports emergent analogical reasoning in large language models

Title: Modeling Emotions and Ethics with Large Language Models

Title: Towards Compositionally Generalizable Semantic Parsing in Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: LLM Evaluators Recognize and Favor Their Own Generations

Title: Improving the Capabilities of Large Language Model Based Marketing Analytics Copilots With Semantic Search And Fine-Tuning

Title: Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Sentiment Analysis

Title: SuRe: Summarizing Retrievals using Answer Candidates for Open-domain QA of LLMs

Title: TREACLE: Thrifty Reasoning via Context-Aware LLM and Prompt Selection

Title: Demystifying Legalese: An Automated Approach for Summarizing and Analyzing Overlaps in Privacy Policies and Terms of Service

Title: Mathify: Evaluating Large Language Models on Mathematical Problem Solving Tasks

Title: Beyond Self-Consistency: Ensemble Reasoning Boosts Consistency and Accuracy of LLMs in Cancer Staging

Title: Heterogeneous Subgraph Transformer for Fake News Detection

Title: ISQA: Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization

Title: Evaluating Subword Tokenization: Alien Subword Composition and OOV Generalization Challenge

Title: Beyond Accuracy: Investigating Error Types in GPT-4 Responses to USMLE Questions

Title: UnibucLLM: Harnessing LLMs for Automated Prediction of Item Difficulty and Response Time for Multiple-Choice Questions

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Generation-based Relation Extraction

Title: "A good pun is its own reword": Can Large Language Models Understand Puns?

Title: NegotiationToM: A Benchmark for Stress-testing Machine Theory of Mind on Negotiation Surrounding

Title: Trojan Detection in Large Language Models: Insights from The Trojan Detection Challenge

Title: How to Encode Domain Information in Relation Classification

Title: Using Adaptive Empathetic Responses for Teaching English

Title: Automated Text Mining of Experimental Methodologies from Biomedical Literature

Title: Evaluating Retrieval Quality in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: From LLM to NMT: Advancing Low-Resource Machine Translation with Claude

Title: Understanding the role of FFNs in driving multilingual behaviour in LLMs

Title: Context-Enhanced Language Models for Generating Multi-Paper Citations

Title: VALOR-EVAL: Holistic Coverage and Faithfulness Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models

Title: Towards Better Text-to-Image Generation Alignment via Attention Modulation

Title: Generating Attractive and Authentic Copywriting from Customer Reviews

Title: Navigating the Path of Writing: Outline-guided Text Generation with Large Language Models

Title: MARIO Eval: Evaluate Your Math LLM with your Math LLM--A mathematical dataset evaluation toolkit

Title: A User-Centric Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models

Title: Typos that Broke the RAG's Back: Genetic Attack on RAG Pipeline by Simulating Documents in the Wild via Low-level Perturbations

Title: How Well Can LLMs Echo Us? Evaluating AI Chatbots' Role-Play Ability with ECHO

Title: Protecting Your LLMs with Information Bottleneck

Title: Information Re-Organization Improves Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: LLMs Know What They Need: Leveraging a Missing Information Guided Framework to Empower Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Translate: Will a Touch of Noisy Data in Misaligned Languages Suffice?

Title: SemEval-2024 Task 8: Multidomain, Multimodel and Multilingual Machine-Generated Text Detection

Title: EnzChemRED, a rich enzyme chemistry relation extraction dataset

Title: Text-Tuple-Table: Towards Information Integration in Text-to-Table Generation via Global Tuple Extraction

Title: Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone

Title: What do Transformers Know about Government?

Title: A Survey on Efficient Inference for Large Language Models

Title: Marking: Visual Grading with Highlighting Errors and Annotating Missing Bits

Title: Self-Supervised Alignment with Mutual Information: Learning to Follow Principles without Preference Labels

Title: Automated Long Answer Grading with RiceChem Dataset

Title: Calc-CMU at SemEval-2024 Task 7: Pre-Calc -- Learning to Use the Calculator Improves Numeracy in Language Models

Title: Better Synthetic Data by Retrieving and Transforming Existing Datasets

Title: Beyond Scaling: Predicting Patent Approval with Domain-specific Fine-grained Claim Dependency Graph

Title: A Survey on Self-Evolution of Large Language Models

Title: PARAMANU-GANITA: Language Model with Mathematical Capabilities

Title: RTP-LX: Can LLMs Evaluate Toxicity in Multilingual Scenarios?

Title: SpaceByte: Towards Deleting Tokenization from Large Language Modeling