
Title: XC-Cache: Cross-Attending to Cached Context for Efficient LLM Inference

Title: Large Language Models Spot Phishing Emails with Surprising Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Performance

Title: IryoNLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Tackling the Medical Error Detection & Correction Task On the Shoulders of Medical Agents

Title: ToM-LM: Delegating Theory Of Mind Reasoning to External Symbolic Executors in Large Language Models

Title: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Logical Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models

Title: PRISM: Patient Records Interpretation for Semantic Clinical Trial Matching using Large Language Models

Title: Retrieval Head Mechanistically Explains Long-Context Factuality

Title: Can Foundational Large Language Models Assist with Conducting Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Investigations?

Title: Minimal Evidence Group Identification for Claim Verification

Title: Hybrid LLM/Rule-based Approaches to Business Insights Generation from Structured Data

Title: CodeIP: A Grammar-Guided Multi-Bit Watermark for Large Language Models of Code

Title: Return of EM: Entity-driven Answer Set Expansion for QA Evaluation

Title: KS-LLM: Knowledge Selection of Large Language Models with Evidence Document for Question Answering

Title: The Promise and Challenges of Using LLMs to Accelerate the Screening Process of Systematic Reviews

Title: Beyond Chain-of-Thought: A Survey of Chain-of-X Paradigms for LLMs

Title: Nyonic Technical Report

Title: No Train but Gain: Language Arithmetic for training-free Language Adapters enhancement

Title: Let's Think Dot by Dot: Hidden Computation in Transformer Language Models

Title: A Comprehensive Survey on Evaluating Large Language Model Applications in the Medical Industry

Title: Exploring LLM Prompting Strategies for Joint Essay Scoring and Feedback Generation

Title: From Complex to Simple: Enhancing Multi-Constraint Complex Instruction Following Ability of Large Language Models

Title: Detecting Conceptual Abstraction in LLMs

Title: Assessing The Potential Of Mid-Sized Language Models For Clinical QA

Title: Generalization Measures for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer

Title: Sequence can Secretly Tell You What to Discard

Title: The PRISM Alignment Project: What Participatory, Representative and Individualised Human Feedback Reveals About the Subjective and Multicultural Alignment of Large Language Models

Title: Universal Adversarial Triggers Are Not Universal