
Title: Online Personalizing White-box LLMs Generation with Neural Bandits

Title: Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media

Title: From Local to Global: A Graph RAG Approach to Query-Focused Summarization

Title: Domain-Specific Improvement on Psychotherapy Chatbot Using Assistant

Title: Towards a Holistic Evaluation of LLMs on Factual Knowledge Recall

Title: Fusion of Domain-Adapted Vision and Language Models for Medical Visual Question Answering

Title: Towards Efficient Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials: Application of a Prompt-Based Learning Model

Title: URL: Universal Referential Knowledge Linking via Task-instructed Representation Compression

Title: Interpreting Answers to Yes-No Questions in Dialogues from Multiple Domains

Title: LLM-Based Section Identifiers Excel on Open Source but Stumble in Real World Applications

Title: WorldValuesBench: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset for Multi-Cultural Value Awareness of Language Models

Title: VISLA Benchmark: Evaluating Embedding Sensitivity to Semantic and Lexical Alterations

Title: Learning Syntax Without Planting Trees: Understanding When and Why Transformers Generalize Hierarchically

Title: Don't Say No: Jailbreaking LLM by Suppressing Refusal

Title: Lost in Recursion: Mining Rich Event Semantics in Knowledge Graphs

Title: U2++ MoE: Scaling 4.7x parameters with minimal impact on RTF

Title: Asking and Answering Questions to Extract Event-Argument Structures

Title: Contextual Categorization Enhancement through LLMs Latent-Space

Title: Large Language Models Perform on Par with Experts Identifying Mental Health Factors in Adolescent Online Forums

Title: Evaluating Consistency and Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: Evaluating Large Language Models on Time Series Feature Understanding: A Comprehensive Taxonomy and Benchmark

Title: Exploring Internal Numeracy in Language Models: A Case Study on ALBERT

Title: Understanding Privacy Risks of Embeddings Induced by Large Language Models

Title: Tele-FLM Technical Report

Title: Análise de ambiguidade linguística em modelos de linguagem de grande escala (LLMs)

Title: ProbGate at EHRSQL 2024: Enhancing SQL Query Generation Accuracy through Probabilistic Threshold Filtering and Error Handling

Title: Influence of Solution Efficiency and Valence of Instruction on Additive and Subtractive Solution Strategies in Humans and GPT-4

Title: Cooperate or Collapse: Emergence of Sustainability Behaviors in a Society of LLM Agents

Title: Layer Skip: Enabling Early Exit Inference and Self-Speculative Decoding

Title: Prefix Text as a Yarn: Eliciting Non-English Alignment in Foundation Language Model

Title: Improving Diversity of Commonsense Generation by Large Language Models via In-Context Learning

Title: Make Your LLM Fully Utilize the Context

Title: IndicGenBench: A Multilingual Benchmark to Evaluate Generation Capabilities of LLMs on Indic Languages