
Title: Rumour Evaluation with Very Large Language Models

Title: Samsung Research China-Beijing at SemEval-2024 Task 3: A multi-stage framework for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations

Title: Examining the robustness of LLM evaluation to the distributional assumptions of benchmarks

Title: Evaluating Class Membership Relations in Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models

Title: Türkçe Dil Modellerinin Performans Karşılaştırması Performance Comparison of Turkish Language Models

Title: Player-Driven Emergence in LLM-Driven Game Narrative

Title: Talking Nonsense: Probing Large Language Models' Understanding of Adversarial Gibberish Inputs

Title: Small Language Models Need Strong Verifiers to Self-Correct Reasoning

Title: Quantifying Memorization of Domain-Specific Pre-trained Language Models using Japanese Newspaper and Paywalls

Title: A Unified Label-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

Title: Prompting Towards Alleviating Code-Switched Data Scarcity in Under-Resourced Languages with GPT as a Pivot

Title: Prompting Techniques for Reducing Social Bias in LLMs through System 1 and System 2 Cognitive Processes

Title: Reinforcement Retrieval Leveraging Fine-grained Feedback for Fact Checking News Claims with Black-Box LLM

Title: When to Trust LLMs: Aligning Confidence with Response Quality

Title: Introducing cosmosGPT: Monolingual Training for Turkish Language Models

Title: Evaluation of Geographical Distortions in Language Models: A Crucial Step Towards Equitable Representations

Title: Ruffle&Riley: Insights from Designing and Evaluating a Large Language Model-Based Conversational Tutoring System

Title: CEval: A Benchmark for Evaluating Counterfactual Text Generation

Title: A Comprehensive Evaluation on Event Reasoning of Large Language Models