
Title: HistNERo: Historical Named Entity Recognition for the Romanian Language

Title: Towards a Search Engine for Machines: Unified Ranking for Multiple Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: SPAFIT: Stratified Progressive Adaptation Fine-tuning for Pre-trained Large Language Models

Title: General Purpose Verification for Chain of Thought Prompting

Title: A Primer on the Inner Workings of Transformer-based Language Models

Title: Graphical Reasoning: LLM-based Semi-Open Relation Extraction

Title: CodeHalu: Code Hallucinations in LLMs Driven by Execution-based Verification

Title: Clover: Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding with Sequential Knowledge

Title: Social Life Simulation for Non-Cognitive Skills Learning

Title: Adversarial Attacks and Defense for Conversation Entailment Task

Title: How Can I Improve? Using GPT to Highlight the Desired and Undesired Parts of Open-ended Responses

Title: LITO: Learnable Intervention for Truthfulness Optimization

Title: Generating Feedback-Ladders for Logical Errors in Programming using Large Language Models

Title: DFKI-NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Towards Robust LLMs Using Data Perturbations and MinMax Training

Title: A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic

Title: AdaMoLE: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with Adaptive Mixture of Low-Rank Adaptation Experts

Title: CofiPara: A Coarse-to-fine Paradigm for Multimodal Sarcasm Target Identification with Large Multimodal Models

Title: Self-Refine Instruction-Tuning for Aligning Reasoning in Language Models

Title: BiomedRAG: A Retrieval Augmented Large Language Model for Biomedicine

Title: Harnessing the Power of Multiple Minds: Lessons Learned from LLM Routing

Title: Is Temperature the Creativity Parameter of Large Language Models?

Title: A Legal Framework for Natural Language Processing Model Training in Portugal

Title: Mixture of insighTful Experts (MoTE): The Synergy of Thought Chains and Expert Mixtures in Self-Alignment

Title: The Real, the Better: Aligning Large Language Models with Online Human Behaviors

Title: Are Models Biased on Text without Gender-related Language?

Title: Investigating Automatic Scoring and Feedback using Large Language Models

Title: Addressing Topic Granularity and Hallucination in Large Language Models for Topic Modelling

Title: Causal Evaluation of Language Models

Title: When Quantization Affects Confidence of Large Language Models?

Title: Is Bigger Edit Batch Size Always Better? -- An Empirical Study on Model Editing with Llama-3