
Title: PoPE: Legendre Orthogonal Polynomials Based Position Encoding for Large Language Models

Title: Language Modeling Using Tensor Trains

Title: Understanding the Capabilities and Limitations of Large Language Models for Cultural Commonsense

Title: Bridging the Bosphorus: Advancing Turkish Large Language Models through Strategies for Low-Resource Language Adaptation and Benchmarking

Title: BiasKG: Adversarial Knowledge Graphs to Induce Bias in Large Language Models

Title: Empathy Through Multimodality in Conversational Interfaces

Title: CourseGPT-zh: an Educational Large Language Model Based on Knowledge Distillation Incorporating Prompt Optimization

Title: Zero-shot LLM-guided Counterfactual Generation for Text

Title: ACORN: Aspect-wise Commonsense Reasoning Explanation Evaluation

Title: DALK: Dynamic Co-Augmentation of LLMs and KG to answer Alzheimer's Disease Questions with Scientific Literature

Title: APrompt4EM: Augmented Prompt Tuning for Generalized Entity Matching

Title: ChuXin: 1.6B Technical Report

Title: Logical Negation Augmenting and Debiasing for Prompt-based Methods

Title: P-ICL: Point In-Context Learning for Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models

Title: ADELIE: Aligning Large Language Models on Information Extraction

Title: Seeds of Stereotypes: A Large-Scale Textual Analysis of Race and Gender Associations with Diseases in Online Sources

Title: Conversational Topic Recommendation in Counseling and Psychotherapy with Decision Transformer and Large Language Models

Title: QFMTS: Generating Query-Focused Summaries over Multi-Table Inputs

Title: XAMPLER: Learning to Retrieve Cross-Lingual In-Context Examples

Title: Encoder-Decoder Framework for Interactive Free Verses with Generation with Controllable High-Quality Rhyming

Title: MIDGARD: Self-Consistency Using Minimum Description Length for Structured Commonsense Reasoning

Title: CARE-SD: Classifier-based analysis for recognizing and eliminating stigmatizing and doubt marker labels in electronic health records: model development and validation

Title: LLMs with Personalities in Multi-issue Negotiation Games

Title: Open Source Language Models Can Provide Feedback: Evaluating LLMs' Ability to Help Students Using GPT-4-As-A-Judge

Title: You Only Cache Once: Decoder-Decoder Architectures for Language Models