
Title: Large Language Models for Human-Machine Collaborative Particle Accelerator Tuning through Natural Language

Title: LLM-Assisted Rule Based Machine Translation for Low/No-Resource Languages

Title: A Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus Using Crowdsourcing for Web Mining

Title: A safety realignment framework via subspace-oriented model fusion for large language models

Title: HumanRankEval: Automatic Evaluation of LMs as Conversational Assistants

Title: Word Alignment as Preference for Machine Translation

Title: New Textual Corpora for Serbian Language Modeling

Title: Sign of the Times: Evaluating the use of Large Language Models for Idiomaticity Detection

Title: Do language models capture implied discourse meanings? An investigation with exhaustivity implicatures of Korean morphology

Title: Comparing the Efficacy of GPT-4 and Chat-GPT in Mental Health Care: A Blind Assessment of Large Language Models for Psychological Support

Title: Prompting-based Synthetic Data Generation for Few-Shot Question Answering

Title: Large Language Model Bias Mitigation from the Perspective of Knowledge Editing

Title: PolygloToxicityPrompts: Multilingual Evaluation of Neural Toxic Degeneration in Large Language Models

Title: Facilitating Opinion Diversity through Hybrid NLP Approaches

Title: Tell Me Why: Explainable Public Health Fact-Checking with Large Language Models

Title: Beyond Flesch-Kincaid: Prompt-based Metrics Improve Difficulty Classification of Educational Texts

Title: Modeling Bilingual Sentence Processing: Evaluating RNN and Transformer Architectures for Cross-Language Structural Priming