
Title: HEART-felt Narratives: Tracing Empathy and Narrative Style in Personal Stories with LLMs

Title: CLAIM Your Data: Enhancing Imputation Accuracy with Contextual Large Language Models

Title: C$^{3}$Bench: A Comprehensive Classical Chinese Understanding Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: MobileConvRec: A Conversational Dataset for Mobile Apps Recommendations

Title: ORLM: Training Large Language Models for Optimization Modeling

Title: XL3M: A Training-free Framework for LLM Length Extension Based on Segment-wise Inference

Title: On the Sequence Evaluation based on Stochastic Processes

Title: Detection-Correction Structure via General Language Model for Grammatical Error Correction

Title: Conv-CoA: Improving Open-domain Question Answering in Large Language Models via Conversational Chain-of-Action

Title: More Than Catastrophic Forgetting: Integrating General Capabilities For Domain-Specific LLMs

Title: Benchmark Underestimates the Readiness of Multi-lingual Dialogue Agents

Title: Arithmetic Reasoning with LLM: Prolog Generation & Permutation

Title: Long Context is Not Long at All: A Prospector of Long-Dependency Data for Large Language Models

Title: Online Merging Optimizers for Boosting Rewards and Mitigating Tax in Alignment

Title: Tool Learning with Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Knowledge Circuits in Pretrained Transformers

Title: Recent Trends in Personalized Dialogue Generation: A Review of Datasets, Methodologies, and Evaluations

Title: Aligning to Thousands of Preferences via System Message Generalization

Title: Peering into the Mind of Language Models: An Approach for Attribution in Contextual Question Answering

Title: fMRI predictors based on language models of increasing complexity recover brain left lateralization

Title: Exploring Context Window of Large Language Models via Decomposed Positional Vectors

Title: TimeChara: Evaluating Point-in-Time Character Hallucination of Role-Playing Large Language Models

Title: Edinburgh Clinical NLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Guiding Large Language Models with Hints

Title: Instruction Tuning with Retrieval-based Examples Ranking for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Title: ATM: Adversarial Tuning Multi-agent System Makes a Robust Retrieval-Augmented Generator

Title: Facilitating Multi-Role and Multi-Behavior Collaboration of Large Language Models for Online Job Seeking and Recruiting

Title: IAPT: Instruction-Aware Prompt Tuning for Large Language Models

Title: Active Use of Latent Constituency Representation in both Humans and Large Language Models

Title: Semantic are Beacons: A Semantic Perspective for Unveiling Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in Knowledge Learning

Title: The Battle of LLMs: A Comparative Study in Conversational QA Tasks

Title: Faithful Logical Reasoning via Symbolic Chain-of-Thought

Title: MMCTAgent: Multi-modal Critical Thinking Agent Framework for Complex Visual Reasoning

Title: Bridging the Gap: Dynamic Learning Strategies for Improving Multilingual Performance in LLMs

Title: PromptWizard: Task-Aware Agent-driven Prompt Optimization Framework

Title: Thai Winograd Schemas: A Benchmark for Thai Commonsense Reasoning

Title: Superposed Decoding: Multiple Generations from a Single Autoregressive Inference Pass

Title: Don't Forget to Connect! Improving RAG with Graph-based Reranking

Title: Notes on Applicability of GPT-4 to Document Understanding