
Title: Collaborative Quest Completion with LLM-driven Non-Player Characters in Minecraft

Title: Improving LLM Abilities in Idiomatic Translation

Title: UnSeenTimeQA: Time-Sensitive Question-Answering Beyond LLMs' Memorization

Title: Social Bias in Large Language Models For Bangla: An Empirical Study on Gender and Religious Bias

Title: Core: Robust Factual Precision Scoring with Informative Sub-Claim Identification

Title: Integrating Randomness in Large Language Models: A Linear Congruential Generator Approach for Generating Clinically Relevant Content

Title: Zero-shot Persuasive Chatbots with LLM-Generated Strategies and Information Retrieval

Title: Contrastive Chain-of-Thought Prompting

Title: Lateralization LoRA: Interleaved Instruction Tuning with Modality-Specialized Adaptations

Title: Visualizing Dialogues: Enhancing Image Selection through Dialogue Understanding with Large Language Models

Title: The Mysterious Case of Neuron 1512: Injectable Realignment Architectures Reveal Internal Characteristics of Meta's Llama 2 Model

Title: Question-Analysis Prompting Improves LLM Performance in Reasoning Tasks

Title: DSLR: Document Refinement with Sentence-Level Re-ranking and Reconstruction to Enhance Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Differentiating between human-written and AI-generated texts using linguistic features automatically extracted from an online computational tool

Title: Evaluating Language Model Context Windows: A "Working Memory" Test and Inference-time Correction

Title: GPT-4 vs. Human Translators: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Translation Quality Across Languages, Domains, and Expertise Levels

Title: Improving Self Consistency in LLMs through Probabilistic Tokenization

Title: STOC-TOT: Stochastic Tree-of-Thought with Constrained Decoding for Complex Reasoning in Multi-Hop Question Answering

Title: Text2TimeSeries: Enhancing Financial Forecasting through Time Series Prediction Updates with Event-Driven Insights from Large Language Models

Title: Argument Mining in Data Scarce Settings: Cross-lingual Transfer and Few-shot Techniques

Title: Convolutional vs Large Language Models for Software Log Classification in Edge-Deployable Cellular Network Testing

Title: Functional Faithfulness in the Wild: Circuit Discovery with Differentiable Computation Graph Pruning

Title: M$\mathbf5$ -- A Diverse Benchmark to Assess the Performance of Large Multimodal Models Across Multilingual and Multicultural Vision-Language Tasks

Title: Cognitive Modeling with Scaffolded LLMs: A Case Study of Referential Expression Generation

Title: ConText at WASSA 2024 Empathy and Personality Shared Task: History-Dependent Embedding Utterance Representations for Empathy and Emotion Prediction in Conversations

Title: On the Benchmarking of LLMs for Open-Domain Dialogue Evaluation

Title: HYBRINFOX at CheckThat! 2024 -- Task 1: Enhancing Language Models with Structured Information for Check-Worthiness Estimation

Title: Anthropocentric bias and the possibility of artificial cognition

Title: Planning with Large Language Models for Conversational Agents

Title: TongGu: Mastering Classical Chinese Understanding with Knowledge-Grounded Large Language Models

Title: A framework for annotating and modelling intentions behind metaphor use

Title: Meta-prompting Optimized Retrieval-augmented Generation

Title: Stark: Social Long-Term Multi-Modal Conversation with Persona Commonsense Knowledge

Title: LLM-jp: A Cross-organizational Project for the Research and Development of Fully Open Japanese LLMs

Title: Improving Sample Efficiency of Reinforcement Learning with Background Knowledge from Large Language Models

Title: LLM Roleplay: Simulating Human-Chatbot Interaction

Title: Benchmarking Complex Instruction-Following with Multiple Constraints Composition

Title: A Survey on Natural Language Counterfactual Generation

Title: Unlocking the Potential of Model Merging for Low-Resource Languages

Title: LLMAEL: Large Language Models are Good Context Augmenters for Entity Linking

Title: Systematic Task Exploration with LLMs: A Study in Citation Text Generation

Title: Improving Accented Speech Recognition using Data Augmentation based on Unsupervised Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Title: Deep Content Understanding Toward Entity and Aspect Target Sentiment Analysis on Foundation Models

Title: Semantic Graphs for Syntactic Simplification: A Revisit from the Age of LLM

Title: A Systematic Survey and Critical Review on Evaluating Large Language Models: Challenges, Limitations, and Recommendations

Title: DotaMath: Decomposition of Thought with Code Assistance and Self-correction for Mathematical Reasoning

Title: Stephanie: Step-by-Step Dialogues for Mimicking Human Interactions in Social Conversations

Title: Can Pre-trained Language Models Understand Chinese Humor?

Title: MAPO: Boosting Large Language Model Performance with Model-Adaptive Prompt Optimization

Title: Hallucination Detection: Robustly Discerning Reliable Answers in Large Language Models

Title: Query-Guided Self-Supervised Summarization of Nursing Notes

Title: Towards Automating Text Annotation: A Case Study on Semantic Proximity Annotation using GPT-4

Title: Securing Multi-turn Conversational Language Models Against Distributed Backdoor Triggers

Title: Defense Against Syntactic Textual Backdoor Attacks with Token Substitution

Title: Seeing Like an AI: How LLMs Apply (and Misapply) Wikipedia Neutrality Norms

Title: HAF-RM: A Hybrid Alignment Framework for Reward Model Training

Title: BiosERC: Integrating Biography Speakers Supported by LLMs for ERC Tasks

Title: Crafting Large Language Models for Enhanced Interpretability

Title: Romanization Encoding For Multilingual ASR

Title: From 'Showgirls' to 'Performers': Fine-tuning with Gender-inclusive Language for Bias Reduction in LLMs

Title: Generalists vs. Specialists: Evaluating Large Language Models for Urdu

Title: Using LLMs to label medical papers according to the CIViC evidence model

Title: Leveraging Graph Structures to Detect Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Title: GPT vs RETRO: Exploring the Intersection of Retrieval and Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Title: PoPreRo: A New Dataset for Popularity Prediction of Romanian Reddit Posts

Title: Spontaneous Reward Hacking in Iterative Self-Refinement

Title: Testing learning hypotheses using neural networks by manipulating learning data

Title: ARM: Efficient Guided Decoding with Autoregressive Reward Models

Title: Entity Decomposition with Filtering: A Zero-Shot Clinical Named Entity Recognition Framework

Title: ANAH-v2: Scaling Analytical Hallucination Annotation of Large Language Models

Title: Me, Myself, and AI: The Situational Awareness Dataset (SAD) for LLMs