
Title: Multilingual Fine-Grained News Headline Hallucination Detection

Title: SocialQuotes: Learning Contextual Roles of Social Media Quotes on the Web

Title: Boosting Reward Model with Preference-Conditional Multi-Aspect Synthetic Data Generation

Title: Enhancing Temporal Understanding in LLMs for Semi-structured Tables

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models to Geolocate Linguistic Variations in Social Media Posts

Title: KaPQA: Knowledge-Augmented Product Question-Answering

Title: Analyzing the Polysemy Evolution using Semantic Cells

Title: Finetuning Generative Large Language Models with Discrimination Instructions for Knowledge Graph Completion

Title: CHIME: LLM-Assisted Hierarchical Organization of Scientific Studies for Literature Review Support

Title: DDK: Distilling Domain Knowledge for Efficient Large Language Models

Title: Robust Privacy Amidst Innovation with Large Language Models Through a Critical Assessment of the Risks

Title: Graph-Structured Speculative Decoding

Title: A Comprehensive Survey of LLM Alignment Techniques: RLHF, RLAIF, PPO, DPO and More

Title: Do LLMs Know When to NOT Answer? Investigating Abstention Abilities of Large Language Models

Title: PreAlign: Boosting Cross-Lingual Transfer by Early Establishment of Multilingual Alignment

Title: LawLuo: A Chinese Law Firm Co-run by LLM Agents

Title: Beyond Binary Gender: Evaluating Gender-Inclusive Machine Translation with Ambiguous Attitude Words

Title: FACTTRACK: Time-Aware World State Tracking in Story Outlines

Title: Evolutionary Prompt Design for LLM-Based Post-ASR Error Correction

Title: TookaBERT: A Step Forward for Persian NLU

Title: FairFlow: An Automated Approach to Model-based Counterfactual Data Augmentation For NLP

Title: Enhancing LLM's Cognition via Structurization

Title: Machine Translation Hallucination Detection for Low and High Resource Languages using Large Language Models

Title: AMONGAGENTS: Evaluating Large Language Models in the Interactive Text-Based Social Deduction Game

Title: Quantifying the Role of Textual Predictability in Automatic Speech Recognition

Title: Retrieve, Generate, Evaluate: A Case Study for Medical Paraphrases Generation with Small Language Models

Title: TLCR: Token-Level Continuous Reward for Fine-grained Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Title: A Comparative Study on Patient Language across Therapeutic Domains for Effective Patient Voice Classification in Online Health Discussions

Title: Shared Imagination: LLMs Hallucinate Alike

Title: Data Mixture Inference: What do BPE Tokenizers Reveal about their Training Data?

Title: Lawma: The Power of Specialization for Legal Tasks

Title: Semantic Change Characterization with LLMs using Rhetorics

Title: Course-Correction: Safety Alignment Using Synthetic Preferences

Title: Can Large Language Models Automatically Jailbreak GPT-4V?

Title: Stress-Testing Long-Context Language Models with Lifelong ICL and Task Haystack