
Title: Educating LLMs like Human Students: Structure-aware Injection of Domain Knowledge

Title: Retrieval Augmented Generation or Long-Context LLMs? A Comprehensive Study and Hybrid Approach

Title: Generation Constraint Scaling Can Mitigate Hallucination

Title: Train-Attention: Meta-Learning Where to Focus in Continual Knowledge Learning

Title: ScholarChemQA: Unveiling the Power of Language Models in Chemical Research Question Answering

Title: Early screening of potential breakthrough technologies with enhanced interpretability: A patent-specific hierarchical attention network model

Title: Towards Transfer Unlearning: Empirical Evidence of Cross-Domain Bias Mitigation

Title: Towards Aligning Language Models with Textual Feedback

Title: Revisiting Who's Harry Potter: Towards Targeted Unlearning from a Causal Intervention Perspective

Title: Unveiling In-Context Learning: A Coordinate System to Understand Its Working Mechanism

Title: Can Language Models Evaluate Human Written Text? Case Study on Korean Student Writing for Education

Title: From Internal Conflict to Contextual Adaptation of Language Models

Title: SAFETY-J: Evaluating Safety with Critique

Title: Behavioral Testing: Can Large Language Models Implicitly Resolve Ambiguous Entities?

Title: SDoH-GPT: Using Large Language Models to Extract Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

Title: SimCT: A Simple Consistency Test Protocol in LLMs Development Lifecycle

Title: Label Alignment and Reassignment with Generalist Large Language Model for Enhanced Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition

Title: Boosting Large Language Models with Socratic Method for Conversational Mathematics Teaching

Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Misspelling Correction with BERT and Levenshtein Distance

Title: PERSONA: A Reproducible Testbed for Pluralistic Alignment

Title: CovScore: Evaluation of Multi-Document Abstractive Title Set Generation

Title: Dependency Transformer Grammars: Integrating Dependency Structures into Transformer Language Models

Title: Fluent Student-Teacher Redteaming

Title: CMR Scaling Law: Predicting Critical Mixture Ratios for Continual Pre-training of Language Models

Title: WildHallucinations: Evaluating Long-form Factuality in LLMs with Real-World Entity Queries

Title: I Could've Asked That: Reformulating Unanswerable Questions