
Title: The #Somos600M Project: Generating NLP resources that represent the diversity of the languages from LATAM, the Caribbean, and Spain

Title: Generative artificial intelligence in dentistry: Current approaches and future challenges

Title: Coupling Speech Encoders with Downstream Text Models

Title: IgnitionInnovators at "Discharge Me!": Chain-of-Thought Instruction Finetuning Large Language Models for Discharge Summaries

Title: Time Matters: Examine Temporal Effects on Biomedical Language Models

Title: Efficient LLM Training and Serving with Heterogeneous Context Sharding among Attention Heads

Title: Examining the Influence of Political Bias on Large Language Model Performance in Stance Classification

Title: Are Large Language Models Possible to Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Title: BotEval: Facilitating Interactive Human Evaluation

Title: Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models

Title: factgenie: A Framework for Span-based Evaluation of Generated Texts

Title: Improving Domain-Specific ASR with LLM-Generated Contextual Descriptions

Title: The Power of Combining Data and Knowledge: GPT-4o is an Effective Interpreter of Machine Learning Models in Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Cancer

Title: Modelling Multimodal Integration in Human Concept Processing with Vision-and-Language Models

Title: Positive Text Reframing under Multi-strategy Optimization

Title: The Curious Case of Representational Alignment: Unravelling Visio-Linguistic Tasks in Emergent Communication

Title: What does Kiki look like? Cross-modal associations between speech sounds and visual shapes in vision-and-language models

Title: Keep the Cost Down: A Review on Methods to Optimize LLM' s KV-Cache Consumption

Title: Difficulty Estimation and Simplification of French Text Using LLMs

Title: PEFT-U: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for User Personalization

Title: Dallah: A Dialect-Aware Multimodal Large Language Model for Arabic

Title: Self-Training with Direct Preference Optimization Improves Chain-of-Thought Reasoning