
Title: Optimising Hard Prompts with Few-Shot Meta-Prompting

Title: OfficeBench: Benchmarking Language Agents across Multiple Applications for Office Automation

Title: Many-Shot In-Context Learning for Molecular Inverse Design

Title: FarSSiBERT: A Novel Transformer-based Model for Semantic Similarity Measurement of Persian Social Networks Informal Texts

Title: On Behalf of the Stakeholders: Trends in NLP Model Interpretability in the Era of LLMs

Title: Understanding Memorisation in LLMs: Dynamics, Influencing Factors, and Implications

Title: The Impact of LoRA Adapters for LLMs on Clinical NLP Classification Under Data Limitations

Title: Do Language Models Have a Critical Period for Language Acquisition?

Title: LLAVADI: What Matters For Multimodal Large Language Models Distillation

Title: Impact of Decoding Methods on Human Alignment of Conversational LLMs

Title: Motamot: A Dataset for Revealing the Supremacy of Large Language Models over Transformer Models in Bengali Political Sentiment Analysis

Title: Are LLMs Good Annotators for Discourse-level Event Relation Extraction?

Title: SaulLM-54B & SaulLM-141B: Scaling Up Domain Adaptation for the Legal Domain

Title: Meta-Rewarding Language Models: Self-Improving Alignment with LLM-as-a-Meta-Judge

Title: From Pre-training Corpora to Large Language Models: What Factors Influence LLM Performance in Causal Discovery Tasks?

Title: SeaLLMs 3: Open Foundation and Chat Multilingual Large Language Models for Southeast Asian Languages

Title: CollectiveSFT: Scaling Large Language Models for Chinese Medical Benchmark with Collective Instructions in Healthcare

Title: Do Text-to-Vis Benchmarks Test Real Use of Visualisations?

Title: Legal Minds, Algorithmic Decisions: How LLMs Apply Constitutional Principles in Complex Scenarios

Title: Synthesizing Scientific Summaries: An Extractive and Abstractive Approach

Title: Introducing a new hyper-parameter for RAG: Context Window Utilization

Title: VolDoGer: LLM-assisted Datasets for Domain Generalization in Vision-Language Tasks

Title: Teaching LLMs at Charles University: Assignments and Activities

Title: Cool-Fusion: Fuse Large Language Models without Training

Title: Improving Retrieval Augmented Language Model with Self-Reasoning

Title: Comparative Analysis of Encoder-Based NER and Large Language Models for Skill Extraction from Russian Job Vacancies

Title: Concise Thoughts: Impact of Output Length on LLM Reasoning and Cost

Title: ATHAR: A High-Quality and Diverse Dataset for Classical Arabic to English Translation

Title: Preliminary WMT24 Ranking of General MT Systems and LLMs

Title: Sentiment Analysis of Lithuanian Online Reviews Using Large Language Models

Title: Inference acceleration for large language models using "stairs" assisted greedy generation

Title: Do LLMs Really Adapt to Domains? An Ontology Learning Perspective

Title: Exploring Large Language Models to generate Easy to Read content

Title: MindSearch: Mimicking Human Minds Elicits Deep AI Searcher

Title: QAEA-DR: A Unified Text Augmentation Framework for Dense Retrieval

Title: Can Editing LLMs Inject Harm?