
Title: Matryoshka-Adaptor: Unsupervised and Supervised Tuning for Smaller Embedding Dimensions

Title: Steamroller Problems: An Evaluation of LLM Reasoning Capability with Automated Theorem Prover Strategies

Title: LAPIS: Language Model-Augmented Police Investigation System

Title: An Efficient Inference Framework for Early-exit Large Language Models

Title: What if Red Can Talk? Dynamic Dialogue Generation Using Large Language Models

Title: Through the Looking Glass, and what Horn Clause Programs Found There

Title: A2SF: Accumulative Attention Scoring with Forgetting Factor for Token Pruning in Transformer Decoder

Title: Prompt2DeModel: Declarative Neuro-Symbolic Modeling with Natural Language

Title: CLR-Fact: Evaluating the Complex Logical Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models over Factual Knowledge

Title: Comparison of Large Language Models for Generating Contextually Relevant Questions

Title: Knesset-DictaBERT: A Hebrew Language Model for Parliamentary Proceedings

Title: Pruning Large Language Models with Semi-Structural Adaptive Sparse Training

Title: Enhancing Agricultural Machinery Management through Advanced LLM Integration

Title: Prompting Encoder Models for Zero-Shot Classification: A Cross-Domain Study in Italian

Title: Label-Guided Prompt for Multi-label Few-shot Aspect Category Detection

Title: Adapting Safe-for-Work Classifier for Malaysian Language Text: Enhancing Alignment in LLM-Ops Framework

Title: Meltemi: The first open Large Language Model for Greek

Title: Effective Black Box Testing of Sentiment Analysis Classification Networks

Title: Automated Review Generation Method Based on Large Language Models

Title: Evolver: Chain-of-Evolution Prompting to Boost Large Multimodal Models for Hateful Meme Detection

Title: ThinK: Thinner Key Cache by Query-Driven Pruning