
Title: ReLiK: Retrieve and LinK, Fast and Accurate Entity Linking and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget

Title: Gemma 2: Improving Open Language Models at a Practical Size

Title: A Course Shared Task on Evaluating LLM Output for Clinical Questions

Title: Correcting Negative Bias in Large Language Models through Negative Attention Score Alignment

Title: Distributed In-Context Learning under Non-IID Among Clients

Title: Automatic Generation of Behavioral Test Cases For Natural Language Processing Using Clustering and Prompting

Title: Enhanced Structured State Space Models via Grouped FIR Filtering and Attention Sink Mechanisms

Title: Clover-2: Accurate Inference for Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding

Title: QUITO: Accelerating Long-Context Reasoning through Query-Guided Context Compression

Title: DeliLaw: A Chinese Legal Counselling System Based on a Large Language Model

Title: In-Context Example Selection via Similarity Search Improves Low-Resource Machine Translation

Title: GalleryGPT: Analyzing Paintings with Large Multimodal Models

Title: Intermittent Semi-working Mask: A New Masking Paradigm for LLMs

Title: Non Verbis, Sed Rebus: Large Language Models are Weak Solvers of Italian Rebuses

Title: Closing the gap between open-source and commercial large language models for medical evidence summarization

Title: Downstream bias mitigation is all you need

Title: Leveraging Entailment Judgements in Cross-Lingual Summarisation

Title: Improving Text Embeddings for Smaller Language Models Using Contrastive Fine-tuning

Title: Improving Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Medicine with Iterative Follow-up Questions

Title: AgentGen: Enhancing Planning Abilities for Large Language Model based Agent via Environment and Task Generation