
Title: UniMoT: Unified Molecule-Text Language Model with Discrete Token Representation

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for Traffic Management at Urban Intersections: The Case of Mixed Traffic Scenarios

Title: PERSOMA: PERsonalized SOft ProMpt Adapter Architecture for Personalized Language Prompting

Title: Automatic Extraction of Relationships among Motivations, Emotions and Actions from Natural Language Texts

Title: Fairness in Large Language Models in Three Hour

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Mobile App Review Feature Extraction

Title: Adaptive Contrastive Decoding in Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Handling Noisy Contexts

Title: Bridging Information Gaps in Dialogues With Grounded Exchanges Using Knowledge Graphs

Title: BioRAG: A RAG-LLM Framework for Biological Question Reasoning

Title: IAI Group at CheckThat! 2024: Transformer Models and Data Augmentation for Checkworthy Claim Detection

Title: Task Prompt Vectors: Effective Initialization through Multi-Task Soft-Prompt Transfer

Title: CFBench: A Comprehensive Constraints-Following Benchmark for LLMs

Title: DERA: Dense Entity Retrieval for Entity Alignment in Knowledge Graphs

Title: Misinforming LLMs: vulnerabilities, challenges and opportunities

Title: High-Throughput Phenotyping of Clinical Text Using Large Language Models

Title: RAGEval: Scenario Specific RAG Evaluation Dataset Generation Framework

Title: The Mismeasure of Man and Models: Evaluating Allocational Harms in Large Language Models

Title: Reconsidering Token Embeddings with the Definitions for Pre-trained Language Models

Title: FANNO: Augmenting High-Quality Instruction Data with Open-Sourced LLMs Only

Title: Transformers are Universal In-context Learners

Title: Coalitions of Large Language Models Increase the Robustness of AI Agents

Title: Talk Less, Interact Better: Evaluating In-context Conversational Adaptation in Multimodal LLMs

Title: DebateQA: Evaluating Question Answering on Debatable Knowledge

Title: Prompt Recursive Search: A Living Framework with Adaptive Growth in LLM Auto-Prompting