
Title: MoDE: Effective Multi-task Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning with a Mixture of Dyadic Experts

Title: Analyzing LLMs' Capabilities to Establish Implicit User Sentiment of Software Desirability

Title: Dialog Flow Induction for Constrainable LLM-Based Chatbots

Title: Multi-Frame Vision-Language Model for Long-form Reasoning in Driver Behavior Analysis

Title: MathLearner: A Large Language Model Agent Framework for Learning to Solve Mathematical Problems

Title: Tracking Emotional Dynamics in Chat Conversations: A Hybrid Approach using DistilBERT and Emoji Sentiment Analysis

Title: S\'olo Esc\'uchame: Spanish Emotional Accompaniment Chatbot

Title: Efficient Solutions For An Intriguing Failure of LLMs: Long Context Window Does Not Mean LLMs Can Analyze Long Sequences Flawlessly

Title: MALADE: Orchestration of LLM-powered Agents with Retrieval Augmented Generation for Pharmacovigilance

Title: Re-Invoke: Tool Invocation Rewriting for Zero-Shot Tool Retrieval

Title: Cross-layer Attention Sharing for Large Language Models

Title: DiReCT: Diagnostic Reasoning for Clinical Notes via Large Language Models

Title: Defining and Evaluating Decision and Composite Risk in Language Models Applied to Natural Language Inference

Title: A Novel Metric for Measuring the Robustness of Large Language Models in Non-adversarial Scenarios

Title: ML-EAT: A Multilevel Embedding Association Test for Interpretable and Transparent Social Science

Title: LLaSA: Large Language and E-Commerce Shopping Assistant

Title: Fine-tuning multilingual language models in Twitter/X sentiment analysis: a study on Eastern-European V4 languages

Title: MedSyn: LLM-based Synthetic Medical Text Generation Framework

Title: Effective Demonstration Annotation for In-Context Learning via Language Model-Based Determinantal Point Process

Title: Recent Advances in Multi-Choice Machine Reading Comprehension: A Survey on Methods and Datasets

Title: Table Transformers for Imputing Textual Attributes

Title: Analyzing Cultural Representations of Emotions in LLMs through Mixed Emotion Survey

Title: CodeACT: Code Adaptive Compute-efficient Tuning Framework for Code LLMs

Title: A Multi-Source Heterogeneous Knowledge Injected Prompt Learning Method for Legal Charge Prediction

Title: Do Large Language Models Speak All Languages Equally? A Comparative Study in Low-Resource Settings

Title: BOTS-LM: Training Large Language Models for Setswana

Title: ReDel: A Toolkit for LLM-Powered Recursive Multi-Agent Systems

Title: SNFinLLM: Systematic and Nuanced Financial Domain Adaptation of Chinese Large Language Models

Title: Dialogue Ontology Relation Extraction via Constrained Chain-of-Thought Decoding

Title: A Few-Shot Approach for Relation Extraction Domain Adaptation using Large Language Models

Title: Why Are My Prompts Leaked? Unraveling Prompt Extraction Threats in Customized Large Language Models

Title: Long Input Benchmark for Russian Analysis

Title: Let Me Speak Freely? A Study on the Impact of Format Restrictions on Performance of Large Language Models

Title: UnifiedMLLM: Enabling Unified Representation for Multi-modal Multi-tasks With Large Language Model

Title: OneLove beyond the field -- A few-shot pipeline for topic and sentiment analysis during the FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Title: Caution for the Environment: Multimodal Agents are Susceptible to Environmental Distractions

Title: RAG Foundry: A Framework for Enhancing LLMs for Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Evaluating and Enhancing LLMs Agent based on Theory of Mind in Guandan: A Multi-Player Cooperative Game under Imperfect Information

Title: Leveraging the Power of LLMs: A Fine-Tuning Approach for High-Quality Aspect-Based Summarization

Title: Progressively Selective Label Enhancement for Language Model Alignment

Title: Language Model Can Listen While Speaking

Title: SEAS: Self-Evolving Adversarial Safety Optimization for Large Language Models

Title: Can Reinforcement Learning Unlock the Hidden Dangers in Aligned Large Language Models?

Title: Self-Taught Evaluators