
Title: ULLME: A Unified Framework for Large Language Model Embeddings with Generation-Augmented Learning

Title: Logistic Regression makes small LLMs strong and explainable "tens-of-shot" classifiers

Title: Optimus: Accelerating Large-Scale Multi-Modal LLM Training by Bubble Exploitation

Title: 1.5-Pints Technical Report: Pretraining in Days, Not Months -- Your Language Model Thrives on Quality Data

Title: EgyBERT: A Large Language Model Pretrained on Egyptian Dialect Corpora

Title: EXAONE 3.0 7.8B Instruction Tuned Language Model

Title: Unlocking the Non-Native Language Context Limitation: Native Language Prompting Facilitates Knowledge Elicitation

Title: Empirical Analysis of Large Vision-Language Models against Goal Hijacking via Visual Prompt Injection

Title: A Comparison of LLM Finetuning Methods & Evaluation Metrics with Travel Chatbot Use Case

Title: Is Child-Directed Speech Effective Training Data for Language Models?

Title: A Logical Fallacy-Informed Framework for Argument Generation

Title: PAGED: A Benchmark for Procedural Graphs Extraction from Documents

Title: NACL: A General and Effective KV Cache Eviction Framework for LLMs at Inference Time

Title: Local Topology Measures of Contextual Language Model Latent Spaces With Applications to Dialogue Term Extraction

Title: Question Rephrasing for Quantifying Uncertainty in Large Language Models: Applications in Molecular Chemistry Tasks

Title: 'Finance Wizard' at the FinLLM Challenge Task: Financial Text Summarization

Title: Generative Language Models with Retrieval Augmented Generation for Automated Short Answer Scoring

Title: WalledEval: A Comprehensive Safety Evaluation Toolkit for Large Language Models

Title: BeeManc at the PLABA Track of TAC-2023: Investigating LLMs and Controllable Attributes for Improving Biomedical Text Readability

Title: Personalized Clinical Note Generation from Doctor-Patient Conversations

Title: Simplifying Scholarly Abstracts for Accessible Digital Libraries

Title: Speech-MASSIVE: A Multilingual Speech Dataset for SLU and Beyond

Title: Decoding Biases: Automated Methods and LLM Judges for Gender Bias Detection in Language Models

Title: From Words to Worth: Newborn Article Impact Prediction with LLM

Title: SLIM-RAFT: A Novel Fine-Tuning Approach to Improve Cross-Linguistic Performance for Mercosur Common Nomenclature