
Title: Impacts of Anthropomorphizing Large Language Models in Learning Environments

Title: Image-to-LaTeX Converter for Mathematical Formulas and Text

Title: Improving Large Language Model (LLM) fidelity through context-aware grounding: A systematic approach to reliability and veracity

Title: Human Speech Perception in Noise: Can Large Language Models Paraphrase to Improve It?

Title: Can Rule-Based Insights Enhance LLMs for Radiology Report Classification? Introducing the RadPrompt Methodology

Title: Enhancing Healthcare through Large Language Models: A Study on Medical Question Answering

Title: UNLEARN Efficient Removal of Knowledge in Large Language Models

Title: Semantics or spelling? Probing contextual word embeddings with orthographic noise

Title: wav2graph: A Framework for Supervised Learning Knowledge Graph from Speech

Title: MMREC: LLM Based Multi-Modal Recommender System

Title: Simplifying Translations for Children: Iterative Simplification Considering Age of Acquisition with LLMs

Title: Diffusion Guided Language Modeling

Title: Evaluating Language Model Math Reasoning via Grounding in Educational Curricula

Title: Learning to Rewrite: Generalized LLM-Generated Text Detection

Title: Explicating the Implicit: Argument Detection Beyond Sentence Boundaries

Title: EfficientRAG: Efficient Retriever for Multi-Hop Question Answering

Title: Analysis of Argument Structure Constructions in the Large Language Model BERT

Title: LaDiMo: Layer-wise Distillation Inspired MoEfier

Title: LLM-DetectAIve: a Tool for Fine-Grained Machine-Generated Text Detection

Title: EMTeC: A Corpus of Eye Movements on Machine-Generated Texts

Title: Are Social Sentiments Inherent in LLMs? An Empirical Study on Extraction of Inter-demographic Sentiments

Title: Trans-Tokenization and Cross-lingual Vocabulary Transfers: Language Adaptation of LLMs for Low-Resource NLP

Title: Enhancing Journalism with AI: A Study of Contextualized Image Captioning for News Articles using LLMs and LMMs

Title: Open-domain Implicit Format Control for Large Language Model Generation

Title: Automated Educational Question Generation at Different Bloom's Skill Levels using Large Language Models: Strategies and Evaluation

Title: Exploring Reasoning Biases in Large Language Models Through Syllogism: Insights from the NeuBAROCO Dataset

Title: Enhancing Robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Language Models with In-Context Learning

Title: Recognizing Emotion Regulation Strategies from Human Behavior with Large Language Models

Title: Can LLMs Beat Humans in Debating? A Dynamic Multi-agent Framework for Competitive Debate

Title: Compromesso! Italian Many-Shot Jailbreaks Undermine the Safety of Large Language Models

Title: Bias-Aware Low-Rank Adaptation: Mitigating Catastrophic Inheritance of Large Language Models

Title: Conversational Prompt Engineering

Title: Learning Fine-Grained Grounded Citations for Attributed Large Language Models

Title: Towards Resilient and Efficient LLMs: A Comparative Study of Efficiency, Performance, and Adversarial Robustness

Title: Code-switching in text and speech reveals information-theoretic audience design

Title: Better Alignment with Instruction Back-and-Forth Translation

Title: Arctic-TILT. Business Document Understanding at Sub-Billion Scale