
Title: ELLA: Empowering LLMs for Interpretable, Accurate and Informative Legal Advice

Title: Language Models as Models of Language

Title: Unlocking Efficiency: Adaptive Masking for Gene Transformer Models

Title: Neural embedding of beliefs reveals the role of relative dissonance in human decision-making

Title: Using Advanced LLMs to Enhance Smaller LLMs: An Interpretable Knowledge Distillation Approach

Title: Speech vs. Transcript: Does It Matter for Human Annotators in Speech Summarization?

Title: Do GPT Language Models Suffer From Split Personality Disorder? The Advent Of Substrate-Free Psychometrics

Title: DataVisT5: A Pre-trained Language Model for Jointly Understanding Text and Data Visualization

Title: A Quantum-Inspired Analysis of Human Disambiguation Processes

Title: Knowledge in Superposition: Unveiling the Failures of Lifelong Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

Title: Exploring Retrieval Augmented Generation in Arabic

Title: Fact or Fiction? Improving Fact Verification with Knowledge Graphs through Simplified Subgraph Retrievals

Title: From Brazilian Portuguese to European Portuguese

Title: Large Language Models Prompting With Episodic Memory

Title: Bridging and Modeling Correlations in Pairwise Data for Direct Preference Optimization

Title: Large Language Models Know What Makes Exemplary Contexts

Title: WeKnow-RAG: An Adaptive Approach for Retrieval-Augmented Generation Integrating Web Search and Knowledge Graphs

Title: Alignment-Enhanced Decoding:Defending via Token-Level Adaptive Refining of Probability Distributions

Title: Spoken Stereoset: On Evaluating Social Bias Toward Speaker in Speech Large Language Models

Title: Enhanced Detection of Conversational Mental Manipulation Through Advanced Prompting Techniques

Title: The Death of Schema Linking? Text-to-SQL in the Age of Well-Reasoned Language Models