
Title: Language Driven Slice Discovery and Error Rectification

Title: ONSEP: A Novel Online Neural-Symbolic Framework for Event Prediction Based on Large Language Model

Title: Training Language Models on the Knowledge Graph: Insights on Hallucinations and Their Detectability

Title: Words Matter: Reducing Stigma in Online Conversations about Substance Use with Large Language Models

Title: Instruct Large Language Models to Generate Scientific Literature Survey Step by Step

Title: Fine-tuning Large Language Models with Human-inspired Learning Strategies in Medical Question Answering

Title: Assessing Language Models' Worldview for Fiction Generation

Title: MAG-SQL: Multi-Agent Generative Approach with Soft Schema Linking and Iterative Sub-SQL Refinement for Text-to-SQL

Title: Predicting Lung Cancer Patient Prognosis with Large Language Models

Title: ArabLegalEval: A Multitask Benchmark for Assessing Arabic Legal Knowledge in Large Language Models

Title: FuseChat: Knowledge Fusion of Chat Models

Title: Leveraging Web-Crawled Data for High-Quality Fine-Tuning

Title: RAGChecker: A Fine-grained Framework for Diagnosing Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: I-SHEEP: Self-Alignment of LLM from Scratch through an Iterative Self-Enhancement Paradigm

Title: Extracting Sentence Embeddings from Pretrained Transformer Models

Title: AgentCourt: Simulating Court with Adversarial Evolvable Lawyer Agents

Title: MIDAS: Multi-level Intent, Domain, And Slot Knowledge Distillation for Multi-turn NLU

Title: KOALA: Enhancing Speculative Decoding for LLM via Multi-Layer Draft Heads with Adversarial Learning

Title: DeepSeek-Prover-V1.5: Harnessing Proof Assistant Feedback for Reinforcement Learning and Monte-Carlo Tree Search

Title: Covert Bias: The Severity of Social Views' Unalignment Towards Implicit and Explicit Opinion

Title: mhGPT: A Lightweight Generative Pre-Trained Transformer for Mental Health Text Analysis

Title: The ShareLM Collection and Plugin: Contributing Human-Model Chats for the Benefit of the Community

Title: ScalingFilter: Assessing Data Quality through Inverse Utilization of Scaling Laws