
Title: Towards Realistic Synthetic User-Generated Content: A Scaffolding Approach to Generating Online Discussions

Title: Zero-Shot Learning and Key Points Are All You Need for Automated Fact-Checking

Title: W-RAG: Weakly Supervised Dense Retrieval in RAG for Open-domain Question Answering

Title: JPEG-LM: LLMs as Image Generators with Canonical Codec Representations

Title: Ex3: Automatic Novel Writing by Extracting, Excelsior and Expanding

Title: CommunityKG-RAG: Leveraging Community Structures in Knowledge Graphs for Advanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Fact-Checking

Title: Where is the signal in tokenization space?

Title: SelectLLM: Query-Aware Efficient Selection Algorithm for Large Language Models

Title: Overview of the BioLaySumm 2024 Shared Task on the Lay Summarization of Biomedical Research Articles

Title: A Mechanistic Interpretation of Syllogistic Reasoning in Auto-Regressive Language Models

Title: RealMedQA: A pilot biomedical question answering dataset containing realistic clinical questions

Title: Persona is a Double-edged Sword: Enhancing the Zero-shot Reasoning by Ensembling the Role-playing and Neutral Prompts

Title: A Survey on Benchmarks of Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Math-PUMA: Progressive Upward Multimodal Alignment to Enhance Mathematical Reasoning

Title: An End-to-End Model for Photo-Sharing Multi-modal Dialogue Generation

Title: Reasoning Beyond Bias: A Study on Counterfactual Prompting and Chain of Thought Reasoning

Title: LLMs Are Biased Towards Output Formats! Systematically Evaluating and Mitigating Output Format Bias of LLMs

Title: MIA-Tuner: Adapting Large Language Models as Pre-training Text Detector

Title: The Fellowship of the LLMs: Multi-Agent Workflows for Synthetic Preference Optimization Dataset Generation

Title: Med-PMC: Medical Personalized Multi-modal Consultation with a Proactive Ask-First-Observe-Next Paradigm

Title: Quantifying the Effectiveness of Student Organization Activities using Natural Language Processing

Title: Turning Trash into Treasure: Accelerating Inference of Large Language Models with Token Recycling

Title: ChatZero:Zero-shot Cross-Lingual Dialogue Generation via Pseudo-Target Language

Title: Lower Layer Matters: Alleviating Hallucination via Multi-Layer Fusion Contrastive Decoding with Truthfulness Refocused

Title: DAC: Decomposed Automation Correction for Text-to-SQL

Title: Large Language Models Might Not Care What You Are Saying: Prompt Format Beats Descriptions

Title: EmoDynamiX: Emotional Support Dialogue Strategy Prediction by Modelling MiXed Emotions and Discourse Dynamics

Title: CIKMar: A Dual-Encoder Approach to Prompt-Based Reranking in Educational Dialogue Systems

Title: FLEXTAF: Enhancing Table Reasoning with Flexible Tabular Formats

Title: PsychoLex: Unveiling the Psychological Mind of Large Language Models

Title: PEDAL: Enhancing Greedy Decoding with Large Language Models using Diverse Exemplars