
Title: See What LLMs Cannot Answer: A Self-Challenge Framework for Uncovering LLM Weaknesses

Title: Language Models Show Stable Value Orientations Across Diverse Role-Plays

Title: CodeTaxo: Enhancing Taxonomy Expansion with Limited Examples via Code Language Prompts

Title: CogLM: Tracking Cognitive Development of Large Language Models

Title: TableBench: A Comprehensive and Complex Benchmark for Table Question Answering

Title: Chinese Metaphor Recognition Using a Multi-stage Prompting Large Language Model

Title: Architectural Foundations and Strategic Considerations for the Large Language Model Infrastructures

Title: Reference-Guided Verdict: LLMs-as-Judges in Automatic Evaluation of Free-Form Text

Title: ConVerSum: A Contrastive Learning based Approach for Data-Scarce Solution of Cross-Lingual Summarization Beyond Direct Equivalents

Title: CyberPal.AI: Empowering LLMs with Expert-Driven Cybersecurity Instructions

Title: Characterizing and Evaluating the Reliability of LLMs against Jailbreak Attacks

Title: Fostering Natural Conversation in Large Language Models with NICO: a Natural Interactive COnversation dataset

Title: Improving and Assessing the Fidelity of Large Language Models Alignment to Online Communities

Title: Offline RLHF Methods Need More Accurate Supervision Signals

Title: Challenges and Responses in the Practice of Large Language Models

Title: FASST: Fast LLM-based Simultaneous Speech Translation

Title: HySem: A context length optimized LLM pipeline for unstructured tabular extraction

Title: Identifying Speakers and Addressees of Quotations in Novels with Prompt Learning

Title: WPN: An Unlearning Method Based on N-pair Contrastive Learning in Language Models

Title: PanoSent: A Panoptic Sextuple Extraction Benchmark for Multimodal Conversational Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Title: REFINE-LM: Mitigating Language Model Stereotypes via Reinforcement Learning

Title: Out-of-distribution generalization via composition: a lens through induction heads in Transformers

Title: Revisiting the Graph Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models: Case Studies in Translation, Connectivity and Shortest Path

Title: Using ChatGPT to Score Essays and Short-Form Constructed Responses

Title: No Such Thing as a General Learner: Language models and their dual optimization

Title: HiAgent: Hierarchical Working Memory Management for Solving Long-Horizon Agent Tasks with Large Language Model

Title: Grammatical Error Feedback: An Implicit Evaluation Approach

Title: Refining Packing and Shuffling Strategies for Enhanced Performance in Generative Language Models

Title: A Strategy to Combine 1stGen Transformers and Open LLMs for Automatic Text Classification

Title: How to Make the Most of LLMs' Grammatical Knowledge for Acceptability Judgments

Title: Acquiring Bidirectionality via Large and Small Language Models

Title: BLADE: Benchmarking Language Model Agents for Data-Driven Science

Title: Recording for Eyes, Not Echoing to Ears: Contextualized Spoken-to-Written Conversion of ASR Transcripts

Title: Bridging the Language Gap: Enhancing Multilingual Prompt-Based Code Generation in LLMs via Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer

Title: SEMDR: A Semantic-Aware Dual Encoder Model for Legal Judgment Prediction with Legal Clue Tracing

Title: Paired Completion: Flexible Quantification of Issue-framing at Scale with LLMs

Title: Are Large Language Models More Honest in Their Probabilistic or Verbalized Confidence?

Title: Summarizing long regulatory documents with a multi-step pipeline

Title: Anim-Director: A Large Multimodal Model Powered Agent for Controllable Animation Video Generation

Title: CMoralEval: A Moral Evaluation Benchmark for Chinese Large Language Models

Title: Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Reason-of-Select Distillation

Title: Importance Weighting Can Help Large Language Models Self-Improve

Title: Self-Directed Turing Test for Large Language Models

Title: Performance Law of Large Language Models

Title: Benchmarking LLMs for Translating Classical Chinese Poetry:Evaluating Adequacy, Fluency, and Elegance

Title: Privacy Checklist: Privacy Violation Detection Grounding on Contextual Integrity Theory

Title: GLIMMER: Incorporating Graph and Lexical Features in Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization

Title: Rhyme-aware Chinese lyric generator based on GPT

Title: Instruction Finetuning for Leaderboard Generation from Empirical AI Research

Title: Multilingual Needle in a Haystack: Investigating Long-Context Behavior of Multilingual Large Language Models