
Title: A Survey on Symbolic Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models

Title: Beyond Relevant Documents: A Knowledge-Intensive Approach for Query-Focused Summarization using Large Language Models

Title: Value Alignment from Unstructured Text

Title: Resolving Lexical Bias in Edit Scoping with Projector Editor Networks

Title: Goldfish: Monolingual Language Models for 350 Languages

Title: Enhancing One-shot Pruned Pre-trained Language Models through Sparse-Dense-Sparse Mechanism

Title: Analysis of Plan-based Retrieval for Grounded Text Generation

Title: QUITO-X: An Information Bottleneck-based Compression Algorithm with Cross-Attention

Title: Data Augmentation Integrating Dialogue Flow and Style to Adapt Spoken Dialogue Systems to Low-Resource User Groups

Title: Language Modeling on Tabular Data: A Survey of Foundations, Techniques and Evolution

Title: Putting People in LLMs' Shoes: Generating Better Answers via Question Rewriter

Title: An Efficient Sign Language Translation Using Spatial Configuration and Motion Dynamics with LLMs

Title: Promoting Equality in Large Language Models: Identifying and Mitigating the Implicit Bias based on Bayesian Theory

Title: Enhancing Robustness in Large Language Models: Prompting for Mitigating the Impact of Irrelevant Information

Title: Beneath the Surface of Consistency: Exploring Cross-lingual Knowledge Representation Sharing in LLMs

Title: REInstruct: Building Instruction Data from Unlabeled Corpus

Title: HMoE: Heterogeneous Mixture of Experts for Language Modeling

Title: Towards Robust Knowledge Unlearning: An Adversarial Framework for Assessing and Improving Unlearning Robustness in Large Language Models

Title: Unconditional Truthfulness: Learning Conditional Dependency for Uncertainty Quantification of Large Language Models

Title: Ferret: Faster and Effective Automated Red Teaming with Reward-Based Scoring Technique

Title: MEGen: Generative Backdoor in Large Language Models via Model Editing

Title: Crafting Tomorrow's Headlines: Neural News Generation and Detection in English, Turkish, Hungarian, and Persian

Title: Towards Efficient Large Language Models for Scientific Text: A Review

Title: Predicting Rewards Alongside Tokens: Non-disruptive Parameter Insertion for Efficient Inference Intervention in Large Language Model

Title: ColBERT Retrieval and Ensemble Response Scoring for Language Model Question Answering

Title: Beyond English-Centric LLMs: What Language Do Multilingual Language Models Think in?

Title: Exploiting Large Language Models Capabilities for Question Answer-Driven Knowledge Graph Completion Across Static and Temporal Domains

Title: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Math Reasoning Tasks

Title: Soda-Eval: Open-Domain Dialogue Evaluation in the age of LLMs

Title: BEYOND DIALOGUE: A Profile-Dialogue Alignment Framework Towards General Role-Playing Language Model

Title: To Code, or Not To Code? Exploring Impact of Code in Pre-training

Title: CHECKWHY: Causal Fact Verification via Argument Structure

Title: LBC: Language-Based-Classifier for Out-Of-Variable Generalization

Title: SysBench: Can Large Language Models Follow System Messages?

Title: CTP-LLM: Clinical Trial Phase Transition Prediction Using Large Language Models

Title: While GitHub Copilot Excels at Coding, Does It Ensure Responsible Output?

Title: Athena: Safe Autonomous Agents with Verbal Contrastive Learning

Title: Scaling Law with Learning Rate Annealing

Title: Inside the Black Box: Detecting Data Leakage in Pre-trained Language Encoders

Title: MagicDec: Breaking the Latency-Throughput Tradeoff for Long Context Generation with Speculative Decoding