
Title: Improving Clinical Note Generation from Complex Doctor-Patient Conversation

Title: Surprisingly Fragile: Assessing and Addressing Prompt Instability in Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: What Makes a Good Story and How Can We Measure It? A Comprehensive Survey of Story Evaluation

Title: Training-Free Activation Sparsity in Large Language Models

Title: LyCon: Lyrics Reconstruction from the Bag-of-Words Using Large Language Models

Title: A global AI community requires language-diverse publishing

Title: AAVENUE: Detecting LLM Biases on NLU Tasks in AAVE via a Novel Benchmark

Title: Project SHADOW: Symbolic Higher-order Associative Deductive reasoning On Wikidata using LM probing

Title: Detecting AI Flaws: Target-Driven Attacks on Internal Faults in Language Models

Title: Advancing Adversarial Suffix Transfer Learning on Aligned Large Language Models

Title: Inverse-Q*: Token Level Reinforcement Learning for Aligning Large Language Models Without Preference Data

Title: Writing in the Margins: Better Inference Pattern for Long Context Retrieval

Title: SpikingSSMs: Learning Long Sequences with Sparse and Parallel Spiking State Space Models

Title: AgentMonitor: A Plug-and-Play Framework for Predictive and Secure Multi-Agent Systems

Title: Evidence-Enhanced Triplet Generation Framework for Hallucination Alleviation in Generative Question Answering

Title: A Survey of Large Language Models for European Languages

Title: BaichuanSEED: Sharing the Potential of ExtensivE Data Collection and Deduplication by Introducing a Competitive Large Language Model Baseline

Title: Relation Also Knows: Rethinking the Recall and Editing of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Transformer Language Models

Title: Measuring text summarization factuality using atomic facts entailment metrics in the context of retrieval augmented generation

Title: Can Unconfident LLM Annotations Be Used for Confident Conclusions?

Title: Into the Unknown Unknowns: Engaged Human Learning through Participation in Language Model Agent Conversations