
Title: CLUE: Concept-Level Uncertainty Estimation for Large Language Models

Title: Oddballness: universal anomaly detection with language models

Title: Debate on Graph: a Flexible and Reliable Reasoning Framework for Large Language Models

Title: MaterialBENCH: Evaluating College-Level Materials Science Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models

Title: MARAGS: A Multi-Adapter System for Multi-Task Retrieval Augmented Generation Question Answering

Title: Bypassing DARCY Defense: Indistinguishable Universal Adversarial Triggers

Title: An Effective Deployment of Diffusion LM for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource Sentiment Classification

Title: xLAM: A Family of Large Action Models to Empower AI Agent Systems

Title: Enhancing Healthcare LLM Trust with Atypical Presentations Recalibration

Title: E2CL: Exploration-based Error Correction Learning for Embodied Agents

Title: Understanding LLM Development Through Longitudinal Study: Insights from the Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard

Title: GraphInsight: Unlocking Insights in Large Language Models for Graph Structure Understanding

Title: LLM Detectors Still Fall Short of Real World: Case of LLM-Generated Short News-Like Posts

Title: N-gram Prediction and Word Difference Representations for Language Modeling

Title: Sketch: A Toolkit for Streamlining LLM Operations

Title: Con-ReCall: Detecting Pre-training Data in LLMs via Contrastive Decoding

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models through Natural Language Processing to provide interpretable Machine Learning predictions of mental deterioration in real time

Title: CogniDual Framework: Self-Training Large Language Models within a Dual-System Theoretical Framework for Improving Cognitive Tasks

Title: Rx Strategist: Prescription Verification using LLM Agents System

Title: Fine-tuning large language models for domain adaptation: Exploration of training strategies, scaling, model merging and synergistic capabilities

Title: How Much Data is Enough Data? Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for In-House Translation: Performance Evaluation Across Multiple Dataset Sizes

Title: 100 instances is all you need: predicting the success of a new LLM on unseen data by testing on a few instances

Title: Attend First, Consolidate Later: On the Importance of Attention in Different LLM Layers

Title: LLM-based multi-agent poetry generation in non-cooperative environments

Title: The representation landscape of few-shot learning and fine-tuning in large language models

Title: LAST: Language Model Aware Speech Tokenization

Title: RAG based Question-Answering for Contextual Response Prediction System

Title: Attention Heads of Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: WildVis: Open Source Visualizer for Million-Scale Chat Logs in the Wild