
Title: Persona Setting Pitfall: Persistent Outgroup Biases in Large Language Models Arising from Social Identity Adoption

Title: Sirius: Contextual Sparsity with Correction for Efficient LLMs

Title: CACER: Clinical Concept Annotations for Cancer Events and Relations

Title: Experimentation in Content Moderation using RWKV

Title: On The Role of Prompt Construction In Enhancing Efficacy and Efficiency of LLM-Based Tabular Data Generation

Title: Towards Safer Online Spaces: Simulating and Assessing Intervention Strategies for Eating Disorder Discussions

Title: Self-Harmonized Chain of Thought

Title: AnyMatch -- Efficient Zero-Shot Entity Matching with a Small Language Model

Title: UI-JEPA: Towards Active Perception of User Intent through Onscreen User Activity

Title: Can LLMs Generate Novel Research Ideas? A Large-Scale Human Study with 100+ NLP Researchers

Title: Multi-Programming Language Ensemble for Code Generation in Large Language Model

Title: Prompt-based Personality Profiling: Reinforcement Learning for Relevance Filtering

Title: Can OpenSource beat ChatGPT? -- A Comparative Study of Large Language Models for Text-to-Code Generation

Title: From Calculation to Adjudication: Examining LLM judges on Mathematical Reasoning Tasks

Title: Combining LLMs and Knowledge Graphs to Reduce Hallucinations in Question Answering

Title: GALLa: Graph Aligned Large Language Models for Improved Source Code Understanding

Title: Learning vs Retrieval: The Role of In-Context Examples in Regression with LLMs

Title: RLPF: Reinforcement Learning from Prediction Feedback for User Summarization with LLMs