
Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Solving Rare MIP Challenges

Title: Chain-of-Translation Prompting (CoTR): A Novel Prompting Technique for Low Resource Languages

Title: How Does Code Pretraining Affect Language Model Task Performance?

Title: Customizing Large Language Model Generation Style using Parameter-Efficient Finetuning

Title: Paper Copilot: A Self-Evolving and Efficient LLM System for Personalized Academic Assistance

Title: BPE Gets Picky: Efficient Vocabulary Refinement During Tokenizer Training

Title: Sparse Rewards Can Self-Train Dialogue Agents

Title: Late Chunking: Contextual Chunk Embeddings Using Long-Context Embedding Models

Title: Untie the Knots: An Efficient Data Augmentation Strategy for Long-Context Pre-Training in Language Models

Title: Selective Self-Rehearsal: A Fine-Tuning Approach to Improve Generalization in Large Language Models

Title: Exploring Straightforward Conversational Red-Teaming

Title: Achieving Peak Performance for Large Language Models: A Systematic Review

Title: Just ASR + LLM? A Study on Speech Large Language Models' Ability to Identify and Understand Speaker in Spoken Dialogue

Title: Maximizing Relation Extraction Potential: A Data-Centric Study to Unveil Challenges and Opportunities

Title: Evaluation of Google Translate for Mandarin Chinese translation using sentiment and semantic analysis

Title: Vision-fused Attack: Advancing Aggressive and Stealthy Adversarial Text against Neural Machine Translation

Title: WaterSeeker: Efficient Detection of Watermarked Segments in Large Documents

Title: OneGen: Efficient One-Pass Unified Generation and Retrieval for LLMs

Title: Seemingly Plausible Distractors in Multi-Hop Reasoning: Are Large Language Models Attentive Readers?

Title: Interactive Machine Teaching by Labeling Rules and Instances

Title: Socially Responsible Data for Large Multilingual Language Models

Title: On the Relationship between Truth and Political Bias in Language Models

Title: Seek and Solve Reasoning for Table Question Answering

Title: Diagnostic Reasoning in Natural Language: Computational Model and Application

Title: Towards Building a Robust Knowledge Intensive Question Answering Model with Large Language Models

Title: STLM Engineering Report: Dropout

Title: Representational Analysis of Binding in Large Language Models

Title: Elsevier Arena: Human Evaluation of Chemistry/Biology/Health Foundational Large Language Models

Title: Harmonic Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: MemoRAG: Moving towards Next-Gen RAG Via Memory-Inspired Knowledge Discovery

Title: Revisiting English Winogender Schemas for Consistency, Coverage, and Grammatical Case

Title: Towards Democratizing Multilingual Large Language Models For Medicine Through A Two-Stage Instruction Fine-tuning Approach

Title: Evidence from fMRI Supports a Two-Phase Abstraction Process in Language Models

Title: Benchmarking Chinese Knowledge Rectification in Large Language Models

Title: Improving Pretraining Data Using Perplexity Correlations

Title: MMEvol: Empowering Multimodal Large Language Models with Evol-Instruct