
Title: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection Using Mixture of Large Language Models

Title: SimulBench: Evaluating Language Models with Creative Simulation Tasks

Title: Experimenting with Legal AI Solutions: The Case of Question-Answering for Access to Justice

Title: Ruri: Japanese General Text Embeddings

Title: Stable Language Model Pre-training by Reducing Embedding Variability

Title: Full-text Error Correction for Chinese Speech Recognition with Large Language Model

Title: Learning Rules from KGs Guided by Language Models

Title: The CLC-UKET Dataset: Benchmarking Case Outcome Prediction for the UK Employment Tribunal

Title: WhisperNER: Unified Open Named Entity and Speech Recognition

Title: LLM-POTUS Score: A Framework of Analyzing Presidential Debates with Large Language Models

Title: On the Role of Context in Reading Time Prediction

Title: Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Entity Matching

Title: AudioBERT: Audio Knowledge Augmented Language Model

Title: Source2Synth: Synthetic Data Generation and Curation Grounded in Real Data Sources