
Title: Improving Spoken Language Modeling with Phoneme Classification: A Simple Fine-tuning Approach

Title: Semantic-Driven Topic Modeling Using Transformer-Based Embeddings and Clustering Algorithms

Title: Are Large Language Models In-Context Personalized Summarizers? Get an iCOPERNICUS Test Done!

Title: Scheherazade: Evaluating Chain-of-Thought Math Reasoning in LLMs with Chain-of-Problems

Title: Beyond Single Concept Vector: Modeling Concept Subspace in LLMs with Gaussian Distribution

Title: KV-Compress: Paged KV-Cache Compression with Variable Compression Rates per Attention Head

Title: Adapting LLMs for the Medical Domain in Portuguese: A Study on Fine-Tuning and Model Evaluation

Title: SSR: Alignment-Aware Modality Connector for Speech Language Models

Title: Adaptable Moral Stances of Large Language Models on Sexist Content: Implications for Society and Gender Discourse

Title: Evaluating the fairness of task-adaptive pretraining on unlabeled test data before few-shot text classification

Title: Zero-Shot Classification of Crisis Tweets Using Instruction-Finetuned Large Language Models

Title: Do Vision-Language Models Really Understand Visual Language?

Title: Evaluating the performance of state-of-the-art esg domain-specific pre-trained large language models in text classification against existing models and traditional machine learning techniques

Title: T-KAER: Transparency-enhanced Knowledge-Augmented Entity Resolution Framework

Title: A Methodology for Explainable Large Language Models with Integrated Gradients and Linguistic Analysis in Text Classification

Title: DoPAMine: Domain-specific Pre-training Adaptation from seed-guided data Mining

Title: Insight: A Multi-Modal Diagnostic Pipeline using LLMs for Ocular Surface Disease Diagnosis

Title: Preserving Generalization of Language models in Few-shot Continual Relation Extraction

Title: Hierarchical Organization Simulacra in the Investment Sector

Title: Self-controller: Controlling LLMs with Multi-round Step-by-step Self-awareness

Title: PclGPT: A Large Language Model for Patronizing and Condescending Language Detection

Title: FedPT: Federated Proxy-Tuning of Large Language Models on Resource-Constrained Edge Devices

Title: Unleashing the Potentials of Likelihood Composition for Multi-modal Language Models

Title: Answer When Needed, Forget When Not: Language Models Pretend to Forget via In-Context Knowledge Unlearning

Title: Boosting the Capabilities of Compact Models in Low-Data Contexts with Large Language Models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: AlignSum: Data Pyramid Hierarchical Fine-tuning for Aligning with Human Summarization Preference

Title: Semantic Parsing with Candidate Expressions for Knowledge Base Question Answering

Title: Are LLMs Aware that Some Questions are not Open-ended?

Title: Self-Updatable Large Language Models with Parameter Integration

Title: FlipGuard: Defending Preference Alignment against Update Regression with Constrained Optimization

Title: Cross-lingual Back-Parsing: Utterance Synthesis from Meaning Representation for Zero-Resource Semantic Parsing

Title: Exploring the Learning Capabilities of Language Models using LEVERWORLDS

Title: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Conversational Question Answering in Multi-instructional Documents

Title: AMR-Evol: Adaptive Modular Response Evolution Elicits Better Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models in Code Generation

Title: Style-Specific Neurons for Steering LLMs in Text Style Transfer

Title: Detecci\'on Autom\'atica de Patolog\'ias en Notas Cl\'inicas en Espa\~nol Combinando Modelos de Lenguaje y Ontolog\'ias M\'edicos

Title: Efficient Technical Term Translation: A Knowledge Distillation Approach for Parenthetical Terminology Translation

Title: VideoCLIP-XL: Advancing Long Description Understanding for Video CLIP Models

Title: Optimizing Token Usage on Large Language Model Conversations Using the Design Structure Matrix

Title: Thinking Outside of the Differential Privacy Box: A Case Study in Text Privatization with Language Model Prompting

Title: Decoding Hate: Exploring Language Models' Reactions to Hate Speech

Title: A generative framework to bridge data-driven models and scientific theories in language neuroscience

Title: Quantifying reliance on external information over parametric knowledge during Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using mechanistic analysis

Title: On the Implications of Verbose LLM Outputs: A Case Study in Translation Evaluation

Title: Addition is All You Need for Energy-efficient Language Models