
Title: SouLLMate: An Application Enhancing Diverse Mental Health Support with Adaptive LLMs, Prompt Engineering, and RAG Techniques

Title: This Candidate is [MASK]. Letters of Reference and Job Market Outcomes using LLMs

Title: KatzBot: Revolutionizing Academic Chatbot for Enhanced Communication

Title: LLM-based Optimization of Compound AI Systems: A Survey

Title: VipAct: Visual-Perception Enhancement via Specialized VLM Agent Collaboration and Tool-use

Title: Improving Neuron-level Interpretability with White-box Language Models

Title: Susu Box or Piggy Bank: Assessing Cultural Commonsense Knowledge between Ghana and the U.S

Title: Does your LLM truly unlearn? An embarrassingly simple approach to recover unlearned knowledge

Title: To the Globe (TTG): Towards Language-Driven Guaranteed Travel Planning

Title: Comparative Study of Multilingual Idioms and Similes in Large Language Models

Title: Beyond Browsing: API-Based Web Agents

Title: DocEdit-v2: Document Structure Editing Via Multimodal LLM Grounding

Title: BIG5-CHAT: Shaping LLM Personalities Through Training on Human-Grounded Data

Title: Rulebreakers Challenge: Revealing a Blind Spot in Large Language Models' Reasoning with Formal Logic

Title: Learning from others' mistakes: Finetuning machine translation models with span-level error annotations

Title: AUTALIC: A Dataset for Anti-AUTistic Ableist Language In Context

Title: Bayesian scaling laws for in-context learning

Title: A Theoretical Understanding of Chain-of-Thought: Coherent Reasoning and Error-Aware Demonstration

Title: Dynamic Adaptive Rank Space Exploration for Efficient Sentiment Analysis with Large Language Models

Title: Distill-SynthKG: Distilling Knowledge Graph Synthesis Workflow for Improved Coverage and Efficiency

Title: A Statistical Analysis of LLMs' Self-Evaluation Using Proverbs

Title: Chatting with Bots: AI, Speech Acts, and the Edge of Assertion

Title: Adsorb-Agent: Autonomous Identification of Stable Adsorption Configurations via Large Language Model Agent

Title: RKadiyala at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Black-Box Word-Level Text Boundary Detection in Partially Machine Generated Texts

Title: SafetyAnalyst: Interpretable, transparent, and steerable LLM safety moderation

Title: Methods of improving LLM training stability

Title: PLDR-LLM: Large Language Model from Power Law Decoder Representations

Title: Atomic Fact Decomposition Helps Attributed Question Answering

Title: Magnetic Preference Optimization: Achieving Last-iterate Convergence for Language Models Alignment

Title: Forewarned is Forearmed: Leveraging LLMs for Data Synthesis through Failure-Inducing Exploration

Title: Context-Aware LLM Translation System Using Conversation Summarization and Dialogue History

Title: Beyond Retrieval: Generating Narratives in Conversational Recommender Systems

Title: Controlled Low-Rank Adaptation with Subspace Regularization for Continued Training on Large Language Models

Title: Optimizing Chain-of-Thought Reasoning: Tackling Arranging Bottleneck via Plan Augmentation

Title: Assessment of Transformer-Based Encoder-Decoder Model for Human-Like Summarization

Title: Trustworthy Alignment of Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models via Reinforcement Learning

Title: ETHIC: Evaluating Large Language Models on Long-Context Tasks with High Information Coverage

Title: Math Neurosurgery: Isolating Language Models' Math Reasoning Abilities Using Only Forward Passes

Title: Learning Mathematical Rules with Large Language Models

Title: IPL: Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models for Intelligent Product Listing

Title: Exploring Forgetting in Large Language Model Pre-Training

Title: SG-FSM: A Self-Guiding Zero-Shot Prompting Paradigm for Multi-Hop Question Answering Based on Finite State Machine

Title: DIRI: Adversarial Patient Reidentification with Large Language Models for Evaluating Clinical Text Anonymization

Title: Arabic Dataset for LLM Safeguard Evaluation

Title: Science Out of Its Ivory Tower: Improving Accessibility with Reinforcement Learning

Title: Team Ryu's Submission to SIGMORPHON 2024 Shared Task on Subword Tokenization

Title: Human-LLM Hybrid Text Answer Aggregation for Crowd Annotations

Title: Enhancing Answer Attribution for Faithful Text Generation with Large Language Models

Title: Exploring RL-based LLM Training for Formal Language Tasks with Programmed Rewards

Title: Aligning Large Language Models via Self-Steering Optimization

Title: Can General-Purpose Large Language Models Generalize to English-Thai Machine Translation ?

Title: Interchangeable Token Embeddings for Extendable Vocabulary and Alpha-Equivalence

Title: Self-calibration for Language Model Quantization and Pruning

Title: From Attention to Activation: Unravelling the Enigmas of Large Language Models

Title: VoiceBench: Benchmarking LLM-Based Voice Assistants

Title: Exploring Possibilities of AI-Powered Legal Assistance in Bangladesh through Large Language Modeling

Title: MiniPLM: Knowledge Distillation for Pre-Training Language Models

Title: Context-aware Prompt Tuning: Advancing In-Context Learning with Adversarial Methods

Title: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Appropriately Abstain with Semantic Entropy

Title: Large Language Models Empowered Personalized Web Agents