
Title: All Entities are Not Created Equal: Examining the Long Tail for Fine-Grained Entity Typing

Title: AMUSD: Asynchronous Multi-Device Speculative Decoding for LLM Acceleration

Title: Do Vision-Language Models Represent Space and How? Evaluating Spatial Frame of Reference Under Ambiguities

Title: Scalable Influence and Fact Tracing for Large Language Model Pretraining

Title: Evaluating AI-Generated Essays with GRE Analytical Writing Assessment

Title: In Context Learning and Reasoning for Symbolic Regression with Large Language Models

Title: Do Robot Snakes Dream like Electric Sheep? Investigating the Effects of Architectural Inductive Biases on Hallucination

Title: Is artificial intelligence still intelligence? LLMs generalize to novel adjective-noun pairs, but don't mimic the full human distribution

Title: VoiceTextBlender: Augmenting Large Language Models with Speech Capabilities via Single-Stage Joint Speech-Text Supervised Fine-Tuning

Title: Large Language Models Still Exhibit Bias in Long Text

Title: Navigate Complex Physical Worlds via Geometrically Constrained LLM

Title: Responsible Multilingual Large Language Models: A Survey of Development, Applications, and Societal Impact

Title: ESpeW: Robust Copyright Protection for LLM-based EaaS via Embedding-Specific Watermark

Title: MM-Eval: A Multilingual Meta-Evaluation Benchmark for LLM-as-a-Judge and Reward Models

Title: Cross-model Control: Improving Multiple Large Language Models in One-time Training

Title: Graphusion: A RAG Framework for Knowledge Graph Construction with a Global Perspective

Title: LMLPA: Language Model Linguistic Personality Assessment

Title: ReflecTool: Towards Reflection-Aware Tool-Augmented Clinical Agents

Title: Quantifying the Risks of Tool-assisted Rephrasing to Linguistic Diversity

Title: Beware of Calibration Data for Pruning Large Language Models

Title: CogSteer: Cognition-Inspired Selective Layer Intervention for Efficient Semantic Steering in Large Language Models

Title: MojoBench: Language Modeling and Benchmarks for Mojo

Title: Local Contrastive Editing of Gender Stereotypes

Title: Latent Structures of Intertextuality in French Fiction

Title: Leveraging the Domain Adaptation of Retrieval Augmented Generation Models for Question Answering and Reducing Hallucination

Title: OmniFlatten: An End-to-end GPT Model for Seamless Voice Conversation

Title: Understanding When Tree of Thoughts Succeeds: Larger Models Excel in Generation, Not Discrimination

Title: Understanding Layer Significance in LLM Alignment

Title: Scaling Diffusion Language Models via Adaptation from Autoregressive Models

Title: SimRAG: Self-Improving Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Adapting Large Language Models to Specialized Domains

Title: MiLoRA: Efficient Mixture of Low-Rank Adaptation for Large Language Models Fine-tuning

Title: Key Algorithms for Keyphrase Generation: Instruction-Based LLMs for Russian Scientific Keyphrases

Title: LongRAG: A Dual-Perspective Retrieval-Augmented Generation Paradigm for Long-Context Question Answering