
Title: GCoder: Improving Large Language Model for Generalized Graph Problem Solving

Title: LLM Tree Search

Title: Read-ME: Refactorizing LLMs as Router-Decoupled Mixture of Experts with System Co-Design

Title: Retrieving Implicit and Explicit Emotional Events Using Large Language Models

Title: Hybrid Preferences: Learning to Route Instances for Human vs. AI Feedback

Title: AlignCap: Aligning Speech Emotion Captioning to Human Preferences

Title: Lived Experience Not Found: LLMs Struggle to Align with Experts on Addressing Adverse Drug Reactions from Psychiatric Medication Use

Title: Enriching GNNs with Text Contextual Representations for Detecting Disinformation Campaigns on Social Media

Title: Label Set Optimization via Activation Distribution Kurtosis for Zero-shot Classification with Generative Models

Title: Can Stories Help LLMs Reason? Curating Information Space Through Narrative

Title: Developing a Tutoring Dialog Dataset to Optimize LLMs for Educational Use

Title: The Reopening of Pandora's Box: Analyzing the Role of LLMs in the Evolving Battle Against AI-Generated Fake News

Title: Not All Heads Matter: A Head-Level KV Cache Compression Method with Integrated Retrieval and Reasoning

Title: Fictitious Synthetic Data Can Improve LLM Factuality via Prerequisite Learning

Title: FairMT-Bench: Benchmarking Fairness for Multi-turn Dialogue in Conversational LLMs

Title: Two are better than one: Context window extension with multi-grained self-injection

Title: AgentSense: Benchmarking Social Intelligence of Language Agents through Interactive Scenarios

Title: Interleaving Text and Number Embeddings to Solve Mathemathics Problems

Title: Investigating the Role of Prompting and External Tools in Hallucination Rates of Large Language Models

Title: KAHANI: Culturally-Nuanced Visual Storytelling Pipeline for Non-Western Cultures

Title: Intelligent Understanding of Large Language Models in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Prompt Engineering Framework

Title: ShifCon: Enhancing Non-Dominant Language Capabilities with a Shift-based Contrastive Framework

Title: A Debate-Driven Experiment on LLM Hallucinations and Accuracy

Title: Graph Linearization Methods for Reasoning on Graphs with Large Language Models

Title: Introducing MAPO: Momentum-Aided Gradient Descent Prompt Optimization

Title: SWITCH: Studying with Teacher for Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models

Title: Detection of Human and Machine-Authored Fake News in Urdu

Title: ChunkRAG: Novel LLM-Chunk Filtering Method for RAG Systems

Title: OpenWebVoyager: Building Multimodal Web Agents via Iterative Real-World Exploration, Feedback and Optimization

Title: AGENT-CQ: Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Clarifying Questions for Conversational Search with LLMs

Title: Less is More: Extreme Gradient Boost Rank-1 Adaption for Efficient Finetuning of LLMs

Title: 2D-DPO: Scaling Direct Preference Optimization with 2-Dimensional Supervision

Title: Counting Ability of Large Language Models and Impact of Tokenization

Title: Rethinking Visual Dependency in Long-Context Reasoning for Large Vision-Language Models