
Title: A Perspective for Adapting Generalist AI to Specialized Medical AI Applications and Their Challenges

Title: Personalization of Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Synergizing LLM Agents and Knowledge Graph for Socioeconomic Prediction in LBSN

Title: Is Our Chatbot Telling Lies? Assessing Correctness of an LLM-based Dutch Support Chatbot

Title: Topic-Conversation Relevance (TCR) Dataset and Benchmarks

Title: Linear Chain Transformation: Expanding Optimization Dynamics for Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Title: NeuroSym-BioCAT: Leveraging Neuro-Symbolic Methods for Biomedical Scholarly Document Categorization and Question Answering

Title: Problem Categorization Can Help Large Language Models Solve Math Problems

Title: MIMIC-IV-Ext-PE: Using a large language model to predict pulmonary embolism phenotype in the MIMIC-IV dataset

Title: A Novel Psychometrics-Based Approach to Developing Professional Competency Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: CurateGPT: A flexible language-model assisted biocuration tool

Title: ACC-Debate: An Actor-Critic Approach to Multi-Agent Debate

Title: Generating Diverse Negations from Affirmative Sentences

Title: Evolving Alignment via Asymmetric Self-Play

Title: Interpretable Language Modeling via Induction-head Ngram Models

Title: RSL-SQL: Robust Schema Linking in Text-to-SQL Generation

Title: JudgeRank: Leveraging Large Language Models for Reasoning-Intensive Reranking

Title: Schema Augmentation for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation in Dialogue State Tracking

Title: Scaling Up Membership Inference: When and How Attacks Succeed on Large Language Models

Title: Beyond Label Attention: Transparency in Language Models for Automated Medical Coding via Dictionary Learning

Title: RESTOR: Knowledge Recovery through Machine Unlearning

Title: A Demonstration of Adaptive Collaboration of Large Language Models for Medical Decision-Making

Title: LLM-Ref: Enhancing Reference Handling in Technical Writing with Large Language Models

Title: Rationale-Guided Retrieval Augmented Generation for Medical Question Answering

Title: GRS-QA -- Graph Reasoning-Structured Question Answering Dataset

Title: STEM-POM: Evaluating Language Models Math-Symbol Reasoning in Document Parsing

Title: Enhancing Authorship Attribution through Embedding Fusion: A Novel Approach with Masked and Encoder-Decoder Language Models

Title: Self-Evolved Reward Learning for LLMs

Title: DARD: A Multi-Agent Approach for Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

Title: E2E-AFG: An End-to-End Model with Adaptive Filtering for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Multi-expert Prompting Improves Reliability, Safety, and Usefulness of Large Language Models

Title: ReverseNER: A Self-Generated Example-Driven Framework for Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models

Title: Adapting Language Models via Token Translation

Title: Phase Diagram of Vision Large Language Models Inference: A Perspective from Interaction across Image and Instruction

Title: Zipfian Whitening

Title: Latent Paraphrasing: Perturbation on Layers Improves Knowledge Injection in Language Models

Title: Towards Multi-Source Retrieval-Augmented Generation via Synergizing Reasoning and Preference-Driven Retrieval

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Code-Mixed Data Augmentation in Sentiment Analysis

Title: SPRING Lab IITM's submission to Low Resource Indic Language Translation Shared Task

Title: MolCap-Arena: A Comprehensive Captioning Benchmark on Language-Enhanced Molecular Property Prediction

Title: Mitigating Tail Narrowing in LLM Self-Improvement via Socratic-Guided Sampling