
Title: A Comprehensive Survey of Small Language Models in the Era of Large Language Models: Techniques, Enhancements, Applications, Collaboration with LLMs, and Trustworthiness

Title: SAUCE: Synchronous and Asynchronous User-Customizable Environment for Multi-Agent LLM Interaction

Title: Usefulness of LLMs as an Author Checklist Assistant for Scientific Papers: NeurIPS'24 Experiment

Title: Automatic Generation of Question Hints for Mathematics Problems using Large Language Models in Educational Technology

Title: Uncertainty Quantification for Clinical Outcome Predictions with (Large) Language Models

Title: Change Is the Only Constant: Dynamic LLM Slicing based on Layer Redundancy

Title: Exploring the Benefits of Domain-Pretraining of Generative Large Language Models for Chemistry

Title: The American Sign Language Knowledge Graph: Infusing ASL Models with Linguistic Knowledge

Title: From Medprompt to o1: Exploration of Run-Time Strategies for Medical Challenge Problems and Beyond

Title: Deploying Multi-task Online Server with Large Language Model

Title: Evaluating Moral Beliefs across LLMs through a Pluralistic Framework

Title: QUILL: Quotation Generation Enhancement of Large Language Models

Title: The Root Shapes the Fruit: On the Persistence of Gender-Exclusive Harms in Aligned Language Models

Title: Number Cookbook: Number Understanding of Language Models and How to Improve It

Title: A Comparative Study of Recent Large Language Models on Generating Hospital Discharge Summaries for Lung Cancer Patients

Title: Understanding the Effects of Human-written Paraphrases in LLM-generated Text Detection

Title: Performance evaluation of SLAM-ASR: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Way Forward

Title: MEG: Medical Knowledge-Augmented Large Language Models for Question Answering

Title: Polynomial Composition Activations: Unleashing the Dynamics of Large Language Models

Title: Multi3Hate: Multimodal, Multilingual, and Multicultural Hate Speech Detection with Vision-Language Models

Title: RAGulator: Lightweight Out-of-Context Detectors for Grounded Text Generation

Title: Evaluation data contamination in LLMs: how do we measure it and (when) does it matter?

Title: How Does A Text Preprocessing Pipeline Affect Ontology Syntactic Matching?

Title: What Really is Commonsense Knowledge?

Title: Prompt Engineering Using GPT for Word-Level Code-Mixed Language Identification in Low-Resource Dravidian Languages

Title: Beemo: Benchmark of Expert-edited Machine-generated Outputs

Title: Summarization of Opinionated Political Documents with Varied Perspectives

Title: Medical Adaptation of Large Language and Vision-Language Models: Are We Making Progress?