
Title: Multimodal Quantum Natural Language Processing: A Novel Framework for using Quantum Methods to Analyse Real Data

Title: LLMs as Research Tools: A Large Scale Survey of Researchers' Usage and Perceptions

Title: Deep Learning and Machine Learning -- Natural Language Processing: From Theory to Application

Title: On-Device Emoji Classifier Trained with GPT-based Data Augmentation for a Mobile Keyboard

Title: From Word Vectors to Multimodal Embeddings: Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions For Large Language Models

Title: Towards Interpreting Language Models: A Case Study in Multi-Hop Reasoning

Title: YouTube Comments Decoded: Leveraging LLMs for Low Resource Language Classification

Title: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Analysis of Values, Agendas, and Observations in Corpora and LLMs

Title: Improving Radiology Report Conciseness and Structure via Local Large Language Models

Title: Performance-Guided LLM Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Text Classification at Scale

Title: PhoneLM:an Efficient and Capable Small Language Model Family through Principled Pre-training

Title: Leveraging LLMs to Enable Natural Language Search on Go-to-market Platforms

Title: ProverbEval: Exploring LLM Evaluation Challenges for Low-resource Language Understanding

Title: Selecting Between BERT and GPT for Text Classification in Political Science Research

Title: FMEA Builder: Expert Guided Text Generation for Equipment Maintenance

Title: FineTuneBench: How well do commercial fine-tuning APIs infuse knowledge into LLMs?

Title: ImpScore: A Learnable Metric For Quantifying The Implicitness Level of Language

Title: Explaining Mixtures of Sources in News Articles

Title: CodeLutra: Boosting LLM Code Generation via Preference-Guided Refinement

Title: STAND-Guard: A Small Task-Adaptive Content Moderation Model

Title: CHATTER: A Character Attribution Dataset for Narrative Understanding

Title: Abstract2Appendix: Academic Reviews Enhance LLM Long-Context Capabilities

Title: What talking you?: Translating Code-Mixed Messaging Texts to English

Title: Seeing Through the Fog: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Hallucination Detection Systems

Title: Fox-1 Technical Report

Title: SpecHub: Provable Acceleration to Multi-Draft Speculative Decoding

Title: SciDQA: A Deep Reading Comprehension Dataset over Scientific Papers

Title: Improving Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue System with Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: Reasoning Robustness of LLMs to Adversarial Typographical Errors

Title: Dynamic-SUPERB Phase-2: A Collaboratively Expanding Benchmark for Measuring the Capabilities of Spoken Language Models with 180 Tasks

Title: Ev2R: Evaluating Evidence Retrieval in Automated Fact-Checking

Title: Towards Low-Resource Harmful Meme Detection with LMM Agents

Title: Benchmarking Distributional Alignment of Large Language Models

Title: Gap-Filling Prompting Enhances Code-Assisted Mathematical Reasoning

Title: VISTA: Visual Integrated System for Tailored Automation in Math Problem Generation Using LLM

Title: KyrgyzNLP: Challenges, Progress, and Future

Title: LBPE: Long-token-first Tokenization to Improve Large Language Models

Title: Assessing the Answerability of Queries in Retrieval-Augmented Code Generation

Title: Evaluating and Adapting Large Language Models to Represent Folktales in Low-Resource Languages

Title: Assessing Open-Source Large Language Models on Argumentation Mining Subtasks

Title: Evaluating Large Language Model Capability in Vietnamese Fact-Checking Data Generation

Title: Unmasking the Limits of Large Language Models: A Systematic Evaluation of Masked Text Processing Ability through MskQA and MskCal

Title: Asterisk*: Keep it Simple

Title: Multi-hop Evidence Pursuit Meets the Web: Team Papelo at FEVER 2024

Title: FinDVer: Explainable Claim Verification over Long and Hybrid-Content Financial Documents

Title: Fact or Fiction? Can LLMs be Reliable Annotators for Political Truths?

Title: Quantitative Assessment of Intersectional Empathetic Bias and Understanding

Title: Using Language Models to Disambiguate Lexical Choices in Translation

Title: Recycled Attention: Efficient inference for long-context language models